2015 Games


Robot 883
Adiós a la Casta Episode 1Action4MHz
Armagetron AdvancedActionArmagetron Advanced Team
AwakeningAdventureSpider Jerusalem
Baboon!ActionRelevo Videogames
Caren and the Tangled TentaclesAdventurePrior Art
Curse of Issyos, TheActionLocomalito
Die Akte Paul BennetAdventureMichael Baltes
E7 E7 E7 EE: the story of the greatest copy protection ever inventedunknownMark Pilgrim
FrogalotActionCNG Soft
Jet-PacoActionMojon Twins
Knightmare 2 ZXActionClimacus
Knightmare RemakeActionDemon Videogames
Life on MarsActionKai Magazine
MindshadowunknownRebecca Heineman
Misterio de la Isla de Tökland, ElunknownESP Adventure
More than a PrisonActionLTS Games Team A
Ninja SaviorunknownRelevo Videogames
PACA PONGActionkingPenguin
Paranormal OutbreakActionNoxtale1
Paranormal OutbreakActionNoxtale1
Pentacorn QuestunknownNightwolf
SM 22unknownMatteo Trevisan
The IncidentPuzzleKHAN Games
The MasterplanStrategyShark Punch
The Return of Traxtorunknownusebox.net
There is Only PowerStrategyporousnapkin
UFO: Alien InvasionStrategy