1999 Games


Robot 296
2DNimPuzzleIshihama Yoshiaki
2nd Terror ProtocolAdventureMobuli Productions
3D Dragon Duel (aka Dragon Castle)ActionWebfoot Technologies
3D Toad Panic aka Frog Fury aka Frog FrenzyActionWebfoot Technologies
3D Ultra Pinball - ThrillrideActionDynamix
A Day At WorkAdventureEpic Banana
AbaloneunknownOlivier Thill
Actua Soccer 3SportGremlin
Advanced Pro Wife SimulatorunknownAndy Kavanagh
Advanced Year 2000 SimulatorunknownRob Erlich
Age of EmpiresStrategyEnsemble Studios
Age of Empires 2: The Age of KingsStrategy
Age of Empires II: Age of KingsStrategy
Age of WondersStrategy
Age of WondersStrategy
Aha!PuzzleComputer Systems Odessa
Air PatrolActionPower Software
Alien CrossfireStrategyAspyr
Alien NationsStrategyJoWooD Productions Software GmbH
All Around FrippleTownEducationalEdmark
Alpha CentauriStrategy
AlphaNatixPuzzleMonkey Byte
Amazon Trail: 3rd EditionEducationalThe Learning Company
Amerzone: The Explorer's LegacyAdventure
Anastasia: Adventures with Pooka and Bartok!AdventureFox Interactive
Ant Run ProPuzzleSoleau Software
Arthur's Reading GamesEducationalSoftKey
AspirinActionSebastian Brytting
Aspirin 2ActionSebastian Brytting
aWormActionSerpent Software
Axis & Allies: Iron Blitz EditionStrategyMicroProse
Axis and Allies: Iron BlitzStrategy
Babe Animated Preschool AdventureEducationalSound Source Interactive
BackPacker JuniorEducationalIQ Media Nordic AB
Backstreet Boys: Puzzles In MotionPuzzleHaemimont Games/Learning Technologies
Backyard FootballSportHumongous Entertainment
Baldur';s GateRPGAtari
Barbie as Sleeping BeautyAdventureGorilla Systems
BarrackActionGreg Lovette
Battle for the UniverseActionMisty Software
Black Moon ChroniclesStrategy
BlissAdventureCameron Wilkin
BloodlustActionDavid Johnston & Mike Goatly
Bluewater HunterSportEncore
Caesar 3StrategyActivision
Candy CrisisPuzzleJohn Stiles
Cannons & CastlesStrategyAndy Lyttle
Cap ManAction
Cap'n Crunch's Crunchling AdventureStrategyCobalt Interactive
Carmageddon 64SportSoftware Creations
Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick ChallengeEducationalThe Learning Company
Castlevania 64ActionKonami
Chicken InvadersActionInterAction Software
Chrono CrossAdventureSquare Co., Ltd.
Civilization II: Test of TimeStrategy
Clifftop ViewunknownGonad the Barbarian
Clifftop ViewunknownGonad the Barbarian
ClueFinders: Empire of the Plant PeopleEducationalThe Learning Company
ClueFinders: Math Ages 9-12EducationalThe Learning Company
ColumnsPuzzleMedia Factory
Command & Conquer: Tiberian SunStrategyElectronic Arts
Commandos - Behind Enemy LinesStrategyPyro Studios
Commandos: Beyond the Call of DutyStrategy
Connect 3unknownAndrew Collier
Cookie's BustleAdventureKeisuke Harigai
Cro-Mag RallySportPangea Software
Dart 'm UpSportDommelsch
Das TraumfresserchenEducationaliENtertainment Network
DewprismActionSquare Co., Ltd.
Dinosaur Adventure 3-DEducationalKnowledge Adventure
DinosaursEducationalEureka Multimedia
Disciples: Sacred LandsStrategyStrategy First
Disney’s TarzanActionEurocom
Disney's Magic Artist ClassicEducationalDisney
Dope WarsStrategy
Drakan: Order of the FlameActionSurreal Software
Eat-o'sActionMatthew Formica
EgobooActionVarious Teams & People
Egypt: Voyage to the Land of the PharaohsEducationalMontparnasse Multimedia
Elite Air HockeySportAshley Mckenzie
Elite DartsSportPatch Products
Emergency Room: Disaster StrikesEducationalLegacy Interactive
End of the World SimulatorunknownAndy Kavanagh
Enemy StarunknownOwen Thomas
Enforcer 1unknownGonad the Barbarian
Enforcer 1unknownGonad the Barbarian
Enforcer 2unknownGonad the Barbarian
Famicom Bunko: Hajimari no MoriunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Fantastic AdventureunknownWayne McQuilling
Ferazel's WandActionAmbrosia Software
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776unknownNintendo Co., LTD
Flygande Start: Första klassEducationalLevande Böcker i Norden
Football PowerunknownGaelco
Forgotten Village, TheunknownGonad the Barbarian
Freespace 2ActionInterplay
Gabriel Knight 3 - Blood of the Sacred Blood of the DamnedAdventureActivision
Galactic PatrolActionMonkey Byte
Game Room aka Tavern Action!ActionWebfoot Technologies
Gamera Kaijuu Dai Kessen VOL.2: Desktop Character & Action & PuzzleActionCyber Planet
Garage: Bad Dream AdventureAdventureKinotrope
Gorky 17RPGcompany
Grand Theft Auto 2ActionDMA Design
Grand Theft Auto 2unknown
GrandiaRPGSony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.
Green Eggs and HamEducationalDr. Seuss
Hedda's RevengeunknownAdventure Probe Software
Heroes of Might & Magic 3MiscNew World Computing
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of ErathiaStrategy
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of ErathiaStrategyNew World Computing
HomeworldAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.
Honest JoeunknownGonad the Barbarian
Hugo 2 1/2ActionInfogrames
Hunchback 84unknownAndrew Owen
I Spy JuniorPuzzleBlack Hammer Productions
I Spy Spooky MansionEducationalBlack Hammer Productions
Imperialism 2: The Age of ExplorationStrategyFrog City
Imperialism II: Age of ExplorationStrategyFrog City Software
In the Race 1999EducationalTwilight Media
Independence War DeluxeMiscAtari
Indiana Jones and the Infernal MachineAdventureLucasArts
iPuzzlePuzzleAlesh Slovak
Isla de Tokland, LaunknownÁngel Ros
Isla, Amante NaturalunknownEdison Soft
Isle of RightEducationalHaupt Digital
Jagged Alliance 2StrategySir-tech Software, Inc.
Jagged Alliance 2Strategy
Jagged Alliance 2StrategySir-Tech
Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The Secret FilesActionGathering of Developers
Jazz the Jackrabbit 2: The Christmas ChroniclesActionNCI Dotcom
Jet Set Willy - JJunknownGeoff Eddy
Jet Set Willy - The HackerunknownGeoff Eddy
Jet Set Willy IV - The Four RemixunknownGeoff Eddy
Jet Set Willy remakeAction
Kid Pix Studio DeluxeEducationalBrøderbund
King of Dragon PassStrategyA Sharp
Language Arts Grade 4: The Mission Masters Network Nightmare!EducationalMcGraw-Hill
Le Secret de l'AlchimisteEducationalMindscape
Leap Ahead! 3rd GradeEducationalEureka Multimedia
Legacy of Kain: Soul ReaverActionEidos Interactive, Inc.
Legend of ManaActionSquare Co., Ltd.
Little BattyunknownEmma Reeves
Llaves del Tiempo, LasunknownJarel
Lode Runner 3-DActionBig Bang Software
Lost in Adventure!unknownThe Skull
Lunar: Silver Star StoryAdventureKadokawa Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd.
Mac Football ManagerSportTigaByte Software
MacToons 1.5EducationalHarley Bradley
Magic: The Gathering Interactive EncyclopediaStrategy
Magnificent Marlena's Mind-Bending Magic ShowEducationalOhio Distinctive
Man Don't Get AngryunknownNinja-Soft
Manic Miner - Eugene - Lord of the BathroomunknownManic Miner Technologies
Mechwarrior 3SimulationZipper Interactive
Metal Warrior 2 v1.1unknownElectric Harem
Metal Warrior 2 v1.2unknownElectric Harem
Metal Warrior v1.2unknownElectric Harem
Metal Warrior v1.3unknownElectric Harem
Mick's Strip PokerStrategy
Midtown MadnessunknownAngel Studios
Midtown MadnessSport
Might and Magic 7: For Blood and HonorRPG
MisfortuneunknownBad Bytes
Missile BustersunknownTND Games
Moomintrolls: The Quest for the Hobgoblin's RubyAdventureNorsk Strek AS
Moon MadnessunknownMirage Designs
Moon MadnessunknownMirage Designs
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Multimedia
Mr. TinyActionHammer Technologies
Ms Mac PersonActionTom Lakovic
Multimedia DinosaursEducationalLifeboat Productions/REMedia
MuP: Podivná hraAdventureAdam Rambousek, Petr Hliněný
MystPuzzleCyan Worlds
Mystery IslandAdventureJosh Hague
Naivity in BlackunknownTomi Malinen
Native AssaultActionAdrenaline Entertainment
NethergateRPGJeff Vogel
NetTronActionInterius Software
NightfallAdventureAltor Systems
Nikolai's TreatsEducationalI. Hoffmann + Associates Inc.
Nyaaaah! 2000unknownBinary Zone
O!Kay! CD-ROMs 1999EducationalBVM Produktion
Octopus LifeunknownAndy Kavanagh
Oekaki LogicunknownSekaibunka Publishing
Office BuildingActionEpic Banana
Omikron: The Nomad Soulunknown
One Queen Puzzle, TheunknownAndrew Collier
Orchan: Legend of the RealmunknownBinary Zone
PacMac Deluxe 1.3ActionDAPPSoft
Paddington: World Mystery TourAdventureMindscape
Panzer General 3D - AssaultSimulationStrategic Simulations
Paris 1313: The Mystery of Notre DameAdventureCanal+ Multimedia
Pasqil GoMokuPuzzleMiloš Zavřel
PÅ™ítmí (Twilight)AdventureNumedia s.r.o
PC Atlético de Madrid 2000unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC FútbolunknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 6unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 7unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Real Madrid 2000unknownDinamic Multimedia
Pedestrian DevastationActionEpic Banana
PharaohStrategyImpression Games
Phonics Alive! 3: The SpellerEducationalAdvanced Software
Photo Hunt in Yellowstone 2.0ActionTrue North Studios
Picross NP Vol. 1unknownJupiter
Picross NP Vol. 2unknownJupiter
Picross NP Vol. 3unknownJupiter
Picross NP Vol. 4unknownJupiter
Picross NP Vol. 5unknownJupiter
Pink Gear 2AdventureMasami Ishimaru
Planescape - TormentRPGAtari
PodunknownGonad the Barbarian
Pokemon ExplodeunknownGizworks
Pokémon Silver VersionRPGNintendo of America Inc.
Pokémon SnapActionHAL, Nintendo
Pool 'm UpSportDommelsch
Power Lode RunnerunknownHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Power SoukobanunknownHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Premier Manager Ninety NineunknownGremlin
Prince of Persia CD CollectionActionJordan Mechner
Psycho FlipuunknownTomi Malinen
Pub FighterunknownBinary Zone
Puzz-3D: Neuschwanstein Bavarian CastlePuzzleDyad Digital Studios
Puzz-3D: Notre Dame CathedralPuzzleDyad Digital Studios
Puzzlemania ClubEducationalHighlights
Q-BillionunknownCyber Systems
QuackManActionDavid S. Shelley
Quake 2ActionID Software
Quake IIActionActivision
Quake III Arena for Mac OS 9ActionActivision
QuartersPuzzleSperling Corporation
Radikal BikersActionInfogrames
RAH-66 Comanche versus Ka-52 HokumSimulationRazorworks
Railroad Tycoon IIStrategyGathering of Developers
Railroad Tycoon II GoldStrategyGathering of Developers
Re-VoltSimulationAcclaim Entertainment
Reader Rabbit Personalized Math Ages 6-9EducationalThe Learning Company
Really Smart GameunknownAndy Kavanagh
Reaper ArenaActionEpic Banana
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 1unknownMichael Dodson
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 3unknownMichael Dodson
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 4unknownMichael Dodson
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 5unknownMichael Dodson
ResummaunknownJ.S. Fransesch
ResummaunknownJ.S. Fransesch
RevenantRPGCinematix Studios, Inc.
ReverberationsunknownRussell Glasser
Riddles of HerneunknownAnthony Rose
Road Rash 64SportTHQ
Road SkunkunknownNickelodeon
Robinson's RequiemunknownSilmarils
Rockett's Camp AdventuresEducationalAddictive Media
Roll 'm UpSportDommelsch
Roller Coaster Tycoonunknown
RollerCoaster TycoonMiscMicroprose Software, Inc.
ROLLing eX.tre.meunknownGaelco
Ronaldo V-FootballunknownInfogrames
Rugrats Mystery AdventuresActionBrøderbund
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch: Brat AttackActionHypnotix
Safari City 2.0unknown
Saper IIunknownPawel Ruczko
Schoolhouse Rock!: Thinking Games DeluxeEducationalCreative Wonders
Scissors, Paper, StoneunknownAndy Kavanagh
Scopa FreeStrategyFreeware
Sega Rally 2unknownSega
Septerra CoreRPGValkyrie Studios
Septerra Core: Legacy of the CreatorRPG
Sex Bomb BunnyunknownMatra
SHINTUAunknownChris Neil , Jeff Day
Silent HillPuzzleKonami
Sim City 3000StrategyMaxis
Sim Theme ParkStrategyElectronic Arts
SimutransStrategySimutrans Community
Skat 3000unknownCreaTeam-Software
Skool Daze: Klass of '99AdventureRichard Jordan
Skydive!SportGroove Alliance
Sleep WalkerunknownDinamic Multimedia
Sleep WalkerunknownDinamic Multimedia
Smart Steps 2nd GradeEducationalDorling Kindersley
SnowstormunknownFrank Gasking
Space DemonsunknownTomi Malinen
SquashunknownPawel Ruczko
Star Trek: Birth of the FederationStrategy
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine CompanionAdventureImergy
Star Trek: Starfleet CommandSimulation
Star Wars: Yoda's Challenge Activity CenterEducationalLucas Learning
StarCraftStrategyBlizzard Entertainment
Steel FightersActionPekka Sarkimo
Stuart Little Reminder Message AppunknownAdTools
Super Fruity '99unknownFrank Gasking
Super Latka IIunknownTomi Malinen
Super Quest v5.5unknownHurlburt, Jeff
Super Quest v5.51unknownHurlburt, Jeff
Super Quest v5.51unknownHurlburt, Jeff
Super Smash Bros.ActionNintendo
Super Staring '99unknownFrank Gasking
Superman 64ActionTitus Interactive
Survival KidsRPGKonami
Sutte HakkunPuzzleHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
System Shock 2RPGIrrational Games, Looking Glass Studios
System Shock 2ActionElectronic Arts
System Shock 2unknown
Tactical Air Combat Simulator: The 20th Century Aerial JoustStrategyForever Games
TanakaSportPacific Media WorX
Tank RacerSportGlass Ghost
Target-XunknownMirage Designs
Target-XunknownMirage Designs
Target-XunknownMirage Designs
The Adventures of StickmanunknownRobert Dye
The ClueFinders Reading Adventures: Mystery of the Missing AmuletAdventureThe Learning Company
The ElkunknownAntonio Barra
The Longest JourneyAdventureIQ Media Nordic AB
The Oregon Trail 4th EditionEducationalThe Learning Company
The Shard of SpringunknownKeith Brors
The Typing of the DeadAction
Three Sisters' StoryAdventure
ThrillerunknownLivio Soft
Thriller CollectionunknownLivioSoft
Thriller v1.0unknownLivio Soft
Thunder OffshoreunknownNoriaWorks
TitanicunknownBackward Engineering
Total Annihilation KingdomsStrategy
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the RescueActionDisney / Pixar
TransactionunknownFrank Gasking
Treasure TombunknownThe Skull
Tyrian 2000ActionEclipse Software
Tyrian 2000ActionXSIV Games
Ultima 9: AscensionRPG
Ultima IX: AscensionRPGOrigin
Unreal TournamentActionDigital Extremes
USA ExplorerEducationalDorling Kindersley
Valkyrie ProfileActionEnix Corporation
Vanessa ChessPuzzleManfred Schubert
VenttiunknownTomi Malinen
Virtual VeronikaStrategyCyberboy Studios
VortexActionFeline Entertainment
Walton's RampageActionEpic Banana
Warcraft II: Battle.net EditionStrategyBlizzard
Warzone 2100StrategyPumpkin Studios
Warzone 2100Strategy
Was ist los bei Hanni und NanniEducationalRavensburger
Wheel of TimeActionLegend Interactive
Windows 3.1 Shareware: S-PAIRSunknownJeff Rabinek
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SHARKunknownAmbrosine
Wizardry I-II-III: Story of LlylgamynRPGSir-tech Software, Inc.
Wizardry I-II-III: Story of LlylgamynunknownMedia Factory
Wodan – The TrialStrategyArbeitskreis Spielkultur
World War II GIActionTNT Team
Ye Olde TV GameunknownNightsoft
Yoot TowerSimulationOPeNBooK9003
You Don't Know Jack: OfflinePuzzleBerkeley Systems/Jellyvision Games
Zelda ClassicRPGArmageddon Games