1997 Games


Robot 139
101 Dalmatians Print StudiounknownDisney
3-D CannonStrategyBill Corbett
3-D Tour of the Solar SystemEducationalLPI (Lunar and Planetary Institute Houston
3-D Ultra Mini GolfunknownSierra
3D Ultra Pinball - The Lost ContinentActionDynamix
7 in 1 (Mario)MiscUnknown
7th LegionStrategyMicroProse
A Color Clown Comes to Town: Help ScreenunknownDiAmar Interactive Corp
A-OK! The Wings of Mercury 68kEducationalInteractive Magic
AbalonePuzzlePeter Tax
Achtung SpitfireStrategyAvalon Hill
Action SuperCross v1.2SportBalász Rózsa
Activision's Atari 2600 Action PackActionActivision
Actua Soccer Club EditionSportGremlin Interactive
Advanced Advocacy SimulatorunknownDerek Jolly
Advanced NetwarsActionCaldera
Advanced Road Rage SimulatorunknownBlood
Adventure of Little Green ManunknownMr Oswald
African AdventureAdventure
Age of EmpiresStrategy
Age of EmpiresStrategy
Airborn IIActionC.C.A.M.
Aleshar - The World of IceRPGHypothermia
Alien 3DActionFox Interactive
Alien AttackActionFantasoft
Alien CabalActionQASoft
Alien Death Mine Massacre XIIunknownStephen Smith
Alien InvadersActionLinda Frasier
Alien PhobiaActionn.a.
Alien PhobiaActionn.a.
Alone in the Dark TrilogyActionInfogrames
Alpha StormActionPsygnosis
Alpha StormunknownTAG
Amulets & ArmorRPG
Amulets & ArmorRPG
An American Tail: Animated MovieBookAdventureSound Source Interactive
An Elder Scrolls Legend: BattlespireRPG
Andrew'sunknownIan Collier
Animaniacs Game PackActionFunnybone Interactive
Ankh 3AdventureIbis Inc.
AntibodyActionMarco Carra
Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1unknownMidway Games
Arkanoid: Doh It AgainunknownTaito America Corporation
Arthur's BirthdayEducationalBrøderbund
Arthur's Computer AdventureEducationalBrøderbund
Assault Trooperunknown
Assault TrooperActionWebfoot Technologies
AssholePuzzleGreg Munro
Asterbamm 1.0.1ActionDavid Cook and Tom Zehner
AT RobotsPuzzleEd T. Toton
Atlantis: The Lost TalesAdventureCryo Interactive
Atomic BombermanAction
Attack of the Ma-Ma'sActionDavid P. Derwin
Automobili LamborghiniSportTitus
Aventura en el Siglo XXIVunknownRVM
Awesome Animated Monster Maker: Ultra EditionAdventureHoughton Mifflin
B.A.D.ActionWebfoot Technologies
B.I.G.unknownFree Mind
Babylon 5EducationalSierra
Backyard BaseballSportHumongous Entertainment
Bakukyuu Renpatsu!! Super B-DamanunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
BalloonunknownIan Collier
Bananas in Pyjamas - It's Fun TimeEducationalKoei
Baseball Mogulunknown
Bash 'n' GrabunknownIan Armstrong
Bazooka SueAdventureStarbyte
Beasts 'n BumpkinsStrategyElectronic Arts
Bedlam 2 - Absolute BedlamActionMirage Technologies
Betrayal at KrondorRPGActivision
Betrayal in AntaraRPGSierra On‑Line, Inc.
BlackoutAdventureDeadline Games
Blade RunnerAdventure
Blades of ExileRPG
Blast CorpsSportRare, Nintendo
BlitzunknownIan Collier
BloodActionGT Interactive Software Corp.
BloodActionMonolith Productions
Blood Omen: Legacy of KainActionCrystal Dynamics, Inc.
BludiskounknownRadovan Garabik
Boing PlopunknownDominic Morris
Borscht RaiderActionShannon Schroeder
BrainWave 2: Return of the NanobotsunknownDexterity Software
BreakoutunknownIan Collier
BricksunknowniLogic Soft
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking MirrorAdventureRevolution Software, Ltd.
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking MirrorAdventure
Broken Sword II: The Smoking MirrorAdventureRevolution Software
Brunswick World: Tournament of ChampionsunknownTHQ Inc.
Bubble PopActionSoftware of Sweden
BullseyeunknownIan Collier
Bushi Seiryuuden: Futari no YuushaunknownT&E Soft
Bust a movePuzzleFreeware
Callahan's Crosstime SaloonAdventureLegend Entertainment
Callahan's Crosstime SaloonAdventureLegend Entertainment Company
Capitalism Plusunknown
Captain Gysi und das Raumschiff BonnAdventurePDS
Captain Gysi und das Raumschiff BonnAdventurePDS
Captain Salve: Secret of the PyramidAdventureCederroth
CarmageddonActionStainless Software
CarmageddonSimulationStainless Software
Carmageddon Splat PackSportInterplay
Carmen Sandiego Word DetectiveEducationalBrøderbund
Caso Cerrado I: La MansiónunknownPapada Soft
Castelo Rá-Tim-BumunknownTec Toy
Caves of MondoniaunknownAdrian Samm
Ceremony of InnocencePuzzleReal World Multimedia
CHAMP AsterocksActionChamProgramming
CHAMP Asteroidsunknown
CHAMP Centiped-emActionChamProgramming
CHAMP GalagonActionChamProgramming
CHAMP InvadersActionChamProgramming
CHAMP Ms. Pac-emActionChamProgramming
Championship Manager 97/98SportSports Interactive Limited
Chasm: The RiftActionAction Forms
Chasm: The Riftunknown
Checkers for WindowsStrategy
Chewy: Esc from F5unknownBlue Byte
Chopper AttackActionSETA Corporation
Chopper DuelunknownStar Group of Prestige
Citadel, TheunknownZenobi Software
City BomberunknownCSSCGC
City BomberunknownCSSCGC
City BomberunknownCSSCGC
City of Lost ChildrenAdventure
ClawActionMonolith Productions, Inc.
Colony 28ActionNapoleon Games
Colosso Revengeunknown
Colosso Secretunknown
Combat ChessStrategy
Command & Conquer (Gold Edition)StrategyWestwood Studios, Inc.
Command & Conquer: Sole SurvivorStrategy
Con Air Screensaverunknown
ConstructorSimulationSystem 3 Software
Creatures Egg DiskunknownWarner Interactive
Cricket 97SportBeam Software
Cryptic Passage for BloodActionWizardWorks Software
CuboidsActionGrant Schindler
Cyber PoliceActionDinamic Multimedia
Cyber Tennisunknown
Cybersphere PlusAction
DaleksunknownA.J. Moss
Daleks ETStrategyE. Jeremy Tira-Thompson
Damage IncorporatedActionMacSoft
Danger Worldunknown69 Soft
Dark Ages 1 - The ContinentsRPGMike Hoopmann
Dark ColonyStrategyAlternative Reality Technologies
Dark Corona PegasusActionAlgomedia Software
Dark FiberAdventureNEC Interchannel
Dark Law: Meaning of DeathunknownASCII
Dark Reign: The Future of WarStrategy
Dart BoardSportJim Plamondon
Das Tor der MinervaAdventureStephan Stoske
Deer HunterSimulationSunstorm Interactive
Der Schatz von VenedigAdventureDe Agostini Multimedia
DiabloRPGBlizzard North
DiabloActionBlizzard Entertainment
Diddy Kong RacingSportRare
Dilbert's Desktop GamesAction
Dink SmallwoodRPG
Dogs of WarStrategySoftware Engineering
Dōkyūsei 2unknownBanpresto
Doom 64ActionMidway Games
Drain StormunknownDave Horner
Duke Nukem 64Action3D Realms Entertainment
Dungeon CrawlRPG
Dungeon KeeperStrategy
Dungeon KeeperStrategyElectronic Arts
Dungeon KeeperStrategyBullfrog
Dungeon Keeper 2Strategy
Eagle StrikeActionJim Plamondon
Earth 2140StrategyReality Pump Studios
Ebola Monkey BingoPuzzleArgus IG
Eco-KidActionEdiciones Mago
Eco-KidActionEdiciones Mago
Eco-KidActionEdiciones Mago
EdnaAdventureBlack Raven
EgounknownStephen Smith?
ElopementunknownOmega Hackers Group
Entombed - Episode 1Adventure
Eric the UnreadyunknownLegend Entertainment
Escape from DeliriumunknownVirtual X-Perience
Escape from Dr. Colossounknown
Escape!unknownMr Scratcher
Exile III: Ruined WorldRPGJeff Vogel
Exile III: Ruined WorldunknownSpiderweb Software
Exile III: Ruined WorldRPG
Extreme AssaultSimulation
Extreme AssaultActionBlue Byte
Eyed ballsunknownJ.S. Oliver
F/A-18 Hornet 3.0.xSimulationGraphic Simulations
F/A-18 KOREA 1.2SimulationGraphic Simulations
Faery tale adventure II: Halls of the deadRPGEncore
Fairy Tale Adventure 2: Halls of the DeadRPG
FalloutRPGBlack Isle Studios
FIFA Soccer 64SportElectronic Arts
FIFA: Road to World Cup 98unknown
FIFA: Road to World Cup 98unknownEA Sports
Fight 'N' JokesunknownNasty Brothers Software
Final Fantasy TacticsStrategySony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.
Final Fantasy VIIRPGSquare Co., Ltd.
Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40,000StrategyHolistic Design
Fire WindunknownThe Fourth Dimension Team
Flea ZapperunknownStacy and Megan
Frog ManActionSaber Software
FruitunknownIan Collier
Fune TarouunknownVictor Interactive Software
Fútbol ProunknownSport Interactive
Gadget: Past as Future (ガジェット 完全版)AdventureCryo Interactive
Galactica 1.1.2StrategyEd Zavada
Galapagos: Mendel's EscapePuzzleAnark Game Studios
Ganpuru: Gunman's ProofunknownASCII Entertainment
Get That EmulatorunknownRadovan Garabik
GhostsunknownRadovan Garabik
Gloom 3: Zombie EditionActionAlpha Software
Gloriana: In the Service of the CrownunknownAscaron
GoldenEye 007ActionRare, Ltd., Nintendo
Golf Pro 2000 Down UnderunknownBrilliant Interactive
GookaAdventureJRC Interactive
Grand Theft AutoActionDMA Design
Grand Theft Autounknown
Grand Theft AutoActionTake-Two Interactive, Inc.
Grand Theft AutoActionDMA Design
Ground StrikeunknownIan Collier
Guts 'n' Garters in DNA DangerunknownMagic Canvas Entertainment
Haetataki (はえたたき)ActionHiroshi Akuzawa
Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure IIunknownThe Dreamers Guild
Hamon IV - Return to HomeunknownAscendancy
HardlineActionCryo Interactive
Harry the Handsome ExecutiveActionAmbrosia Software
HeartQuestActionIngemar Ragnemalm
Hercules Print StudiounknownDisney Interactive
Hexen 2ActionRaven
Hide and SeekunknownAdventure Probe Software
History of the Worldunknown
HockeyunknownIan Collier
Holiday islandSimulationSunflowers
Hollywood MonstersAdventurePendulo Studios
Hollywood MonstersAdventurePendulo Studios
Hollywood MonstersAdventurePendulo Studios
Horace Goes Seal CullingunknownMatthew Smith
HusitaStrategyPhoenix Arts
I Can Be a Dinosaur FinderEducationalCloud 9 Interactive
I Can Be An Animal DoctorEducationalCloud 9 Interactive
I Can Be An Animal DoctorEducationalCloud 9 Interactive
I Spy / I Spy School DaysEducationalBlack Hammer Productions
I-0 Jailbait on the InterstateAdventureAdam Cadre
I-WarSimulationParticle Systems
IgnitionSportVirgin Interactive
Imperial Conquest 2StrategySerious Games
ImperialismStrategyFrog City Software
ImperialismStrategyFrog City
IncarnatiaAdventureMedia Juggler
IncubationStrategyBlue Byte
Incubation: Time is Running OutStrategyBlue Byte Studio GmbH
Independence WarSimulation
Intellivision for Mac: Volumes 1 - 3ActionIntellivision Productions
Interstate '76ActionActivision
Interstate '76Sport
InvadersunknownIan Collier
Itoi Shigesato no Bass Tsuri No. 1unknownNintendo Co., LTD
J.R.R. Tolkien's Riders of RohanStrategy
Jack Nicklaus 4SportCinematronics
Jack's AtticAdventureKids Count Entertainment
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces IIAction
Jet MotoSimulationSony Interactive Studios
Jet Set Willy - Willy In SpaceunknownHalsoft
Jigsaw PowerPuzzleCentron Software
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 3 '97 HaruunknownKonami
Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! TwinunknownSammy Corporation
Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Twin Vol. 2unknownSammy Corporation
Josephine on HolidayEducationalMinimedia
Jump ZampoliActionRampZamp
JumpStart Math for Second GradersEducationalKnowledge Adventure
Jurassic WarunknownTranquil Revolt in Computer
Kaori ClimaxStrategyh.m.p
Kaori Climax 2Strategyh.m.p
Kick Off 97SportAnco Software
King of Fighters '97ActionSNK Corporation
Klonoa: Door to PhantomileAdventureSony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.
KyodaiunknownRene-Gilles Deberdt
Labyrinth (1997)ActionScott Miller
LagnacureStrategySony Electronic Publishing, Ltd.
Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of DestinyRPGWestwood Studios, Inc.
Lands of Lore: Guardians of DestinyRPGWestwood Studios
Last Express, TheAdventureSmoking Car Productions
Last Knight, TheActionAmigatek
Last RitesActionOcean Software Ltd.
Le Mystère XIIIAdventureDargaud - France Telecom Multimedia
Le Roi des FjordsEducationalEuro CD Interactive
Legends of the Land, TheunknownMatija Kostevc
Legends of the Land, TheunknownMatija Kostevc
Legy BatorunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Legy BatorunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love for SailAdventureSierra
LemmingiunknownOrion Development
Lenny And RitaAdventureKarl Dolenc
Leo the LionunknownLeryx LongSoft
Léto s OskaremAdventureVochozka Trading
Lights Out v1.0unknown
Links - Course Library Vol. 4SportAccess Software Inc.
Links LSSportAccess Software
Little Big Adventure 2AdventureAdeline Software
Little Big Adventure 2 (Twinsen's Odyssey)unknown
Lost Children, TheunknownAdventure Probe Software
Lost Vikings 2: Norse by NorsewestAdventureInterplay Productions
Lost Vikings II: Norse by NorsewestActionInterplay, Blizzard
Lucky LukeunknownInfogrames
Lucky LukeAction
Lucky LukeunknownInfogrames
LunchunknownBinary Zone
Lurid LandunknownAbadion Arts
Maak je eigen strip met Tom & JerryEducationalBombilla
Machine HunterActionMGM Interactive
Madden NFL 98SportTHQ Inc.
Mag-RacerunknownInfinite Dreams Software
Magic: The GatheringStrategy
Magic: The GatheringMiscMicroprose Software, Inc.
Make A Map 3DEducationalToucan Media
Manic MinerActionAndy Noble
Manic Miner 4unknownBroadsoft
Manic Miner remakeAction
Mario & Luigi ScreensaverunknownNintendo
Mario IslandsunknownOmega Hackers Group
MasoxunknownIvan Straka
Master Axe: The Genesis of MysterXActionAxe To Grind
Master Mind II: Master Mind vs the Mighty BrainunknownBinary Zone
Match It 64unknownLoadstar
Maus, DieunknownInfogrames
Maus, DieunknownInfogrames
Maze ChangeunknownIan Collier
Maze ChaseunknownIan Collier
Maze TagunknownLoadstar
MDKActionShiny Entertainment, Inc.
MDK (Murder, Death, Kill)ActionShiny Entertainment
Meet Chuck for Horse LoversunknownEd's Educational Games
Mega Man LegendsActionCapcom
Metal Detector '79unknownAlan Moore
Mighty Math: Astro AlgebraEducationalEdmark
MilandraunknownASCII Entertainment
MinefieldunknownA.J. Moss
MinesweeperunknownA.J. Moss
Mission Masters Math Grade 3 Defeat Dirty D!EducationalMcGraw-Hill
Mission: The Pharaoh's ChallengeEducationalAnglia Multimedia
Moggy MurderunknownDamien Burke
Mortal Kombat 4ActionMidway
Mortal PongActionCheesy Software
Moto RacerSportDelphine Software International
Moving Puzzle - Jungle WorldPuzzleRavensburger
Moving Puzzle - Motor SportsPuzzleRavensburger
Moving Puzzle - Sea WorldPuzzleRavensburger
Mr. Setam: Lady KillerunknownMike
Multi ActionMiscDinamic Multimedia
Multi ActionMiscDinamic Multimedia
Multi ActionMiscDinamic Multimedia
Multi ActionMiscDinamic Multimedia
Multiplay Rock and Roll + Star BlazersunknownRichard Bayliss
Murder in the MuseumunknownLoadstar
Murder Mystery WeekendunknownZenobi Software
Music MatchunknownRichard Bayliss
Music Match II: The RevengeunknownBinary Zone
Mystical Ninja Starring GoemonActionKonami
Myth: The Fallen LordsStrategy
Nahan: The Ultimate 3D Puzzle Game (AKA Shomei)PuzzleElectric Sheep
Nama Figure [Jun]StrategySpiceSoft
Narrow LineunknownRichard Bayliss
NBA Live 98SportTHQ Inc.
Need for Speed II: Special EditionSportElectronic Arts
Next SpaceAdventureMagic Systems
Next SpaceunknownMagic Systems
NFL MathEducationalSanctuary Woods
NHL 98SportEA Sports
Night CaféAdventureEMME Interactive
Nikolai's PiratesEducationalI. Hoffmann + Associates Inc.
Nintama Rantarō 3unknownCulture Brain
Nocturnal IllusionunknownApricot
NonsenseunknownFLP Group
Noughts & CrossesunknownJA Software
NovaloadunknownBinary Zone
NumberunknownIan Collier
NumblinesunknownUtopia Software
Oddworld: Abe's OddyseeActionGT Interactive Software Corp.
Oddworld: Abe's OddyseeActionOddworld Inhabitants Inc.
OphiuchusActionAdam Winiecki
Outpost 2unknownDynamix
Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Universal Shindai Nyuuka Volume 1unknownSyscom
Pacific GeneralStrategy
Pacific GeneralStrategySSI
Pajama Sam's SockWorksActionHumongous Entertainment
Pandemonium!ActionCrystal Dynamics, Inc.
Panzer General 2StrategyStrategic Simulations
Panzer General IIStrategySSI
Pax Imperia: Eminent DomainStrategyHeliotrope Studios
PC Basket 4.5unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC PókerunknownCírculo A.S.M.
PC Premier 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Trivial ProMiscVirtual Software
Perfect Detective Manual (完全探偵マニュアル)AdventureDynaware
Pi Week the QuestunknownHarvey Lodder
Platform-ManiaunknownBinary Zone
Plumb CrazyunknownLoadstar
Poder de la Kínbreton, ElunknownPro-Imagyna
Pool SharkunknownGT Interactive
PracticeunknownIan Collier
Prairie Dog Hunt Pro '97unknownIan Firth
Premier Manager 97unknownGremlin
Premier Manager 98unknownGremlin
Pro Mahjong TsuwamonounknownCulture Brain
Pro Yakyū Nettō: Puzzle StadiumunknownCoconuts Japan
Pro Yakyū StarunknownCulture Brain
Project ParadiseActionSoft Enterprises
Prokletí EridenuRPGNapalm Soft
Purple Demon 2unknownAlan Moore
Qin: Tomb of the Middle KingdomAdventureLearn Technologies Interactive
Qrax (aka Prometheus)ActionQuarter Note Software
QuakeActionid Software
Quake 2Actionid software
Quake IIActionid Software
QuellePuzzleCaleb J. Emmons
QuerkzPuzzleAdam Winiecki
Quest 2: The Forest TrapunknownMVD Software
Reader Rabbit 1unknownThe Learning Company
Reader Rabbit ToddlerEducationalThe Learning Company
Reader Rabbit's KindergartenEducationalThe Learning Company
Reader Rabbit's Reading Development Library 1EducationalThe Learning Company
Realms of the HauntingActionGremlin Interactive Ltd.
Rebel Runner - Operation: Digital CodeunknownFamily Production
Red GhostunknownMaelstrom Games
Redneck RampageAction
Redneck Rampageunknown
Requiem: en mordgata pa 1600-taletAdventureParegos Mediadesign
Ring des Lichtes, Der v2.0unknown
Riven - The Sequel to MystPuzzleCyan Worlds
Riven: The Sequel to MystAdventure
Rolling ThunderunknownImanok
SafecrackerAdventureDaydream Software
Sailor Moon ScreensaverunknownX-Tream's Anime Corner
Sanrio Tiny Park: Volume 3unknownSanrio Co. Ltd.
Santa Fe Mysteries: Sacred GroundAdventureActivision
Schoolhouse Rock!: 3rd & 4th Grade EssentialsEducationalThe Learning Company
SeaDreamsAdventureGooey Orbit Software
Season of the SakuraAdventure
Settlers II, The (Gold Edition)StrategyBlue Byte Software GmbH & Co. KG
Seven KingdomsStrategyEnlight Software Ltd.
SfinxunknownLaboratorium Komputerowe Avalon
Shadow WarriorAction
Shadow Warriorunknown
Shadow WarriorActionGT Interactive Software Corp.
Shadow WarriorAction3D Realms Entertainment
Sila's QuestActionEdiciones Mago
SimHolePunchStrategyKeelan Lightfoot
SimonunknownThe Skull
Sink the BelgranounknownQuintin Parker
SlippyActionCool Breeze Studio
Snakes and AddersunknownIan Collier
Snazzy SnakesunknownCyber Systems
Snow Board ChampionshipunknownGaelco
SokobanunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Solid RunnerunknownASCII Entertainment
Solitaire XXLunknownCreaTeam-Software
Sonic BlastunknownTec Toy
Special Reserve CD7 Classic TitlesunknownSpecial Reserve
Spellcross: The Last BattleStrategyCauldron
SpherulesActionGrant Schindler
Sprite LogicunknownLoadstar
SquaresunknownMagna Media
SquashunknownIan Collier
SquibbliesunknownBinary Zone PD
Squibblies IIunknownBinary Zone
SquishunknownBinary Zone
SRSO2unknownTreasure Software
Stamp ChallengeunknownLoadstar
Star Fox 64ActionNintendo
Star MercunknownIan Firth
Star SeedRPGPowderhouse Software
Star Trek: Captain's ChairAdventureImergy
Star Trek: Starfleet AcademyActionMacPlay
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces IIunknown
Star Wars: Yoda Storiesunknown
Steel Panthers 3: Brigade Command - 1939-1999Strategy
Strategy HeadsEducationalTheatrix
Street Fighter II: Champion EditionunknownTec Toy
Stroke WorldunknownProtovision
Sunes SportlovAdventureRaben Multimedia
Super AngeloActionWiering Software
Super Bomberman 5ActionHudson Soft
Super Double Yakuman IIunknownVap
Super Tetrisunknown
Svea RikeStrategyTarget Games
Sylenius Mysteriumunknown
TargetunknownIan Collier
TaskMakerRPGDavid Cook
Taz in Escape from MarsActionTec Toy
TeazlePuzzleBMG Interactive Entertainment
TechnodromunknownReal Software
Ten ThousandunknownLoadstar
Tennis Elbowunknown
The Adventures of LomaxActionPsygnosis Limited
The Cat in the HatunknownBroderbund
The Curse of Monkey IslandAdventureLucasArts
The Curse of Monkey IslandAdventureLucasArts
The Factory DeluxeEducationalSunburst
The Feeble FilesAdventure
The Feeble FilesPuzzleAdventure Soft
The Gigglebone Gang: PantsylvaniaunknownHeadbone Interactive
The Last ExpressAdventure
The Last ExpressAdventureSmoking Car Productions
The Legacy: Realm of TerrorunknownMicroprose
The Ninja TaskunknownBinary Zone
The Puzzle Page #151unknownLoadstar
The Puzzle Page #162unknownLoadstar
The RealmunknownLoadstar
The Zuni DollunknownJesse Burneko
Theme HospitalSimulation
Theme HospitalSimulationElectronic Arts
Theme HospitalStrategyBullfrog
There's a Hole in Your BucketunknownAdventure Probe Software
ThunderGun: The Cybwar MissionunknownSoftforum
Tic Tac MagicunknownLoadstar
Tic Tac SolunknownLoadstar
Tic Tac ToeunknownThe Skull
Tic Tac Toe BattleunknownThe Skull
Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle GamesActionTHQ Inc.
Tintin - The Prisoners of the SunActionInfogrames
TOCA Touring Car ChampionshipunknownCodemasters
Tom Clancy's PolitikaStrategyRed Storm
Tomb Raider IIunknown
Top Gear RallySportBoss Game Studios, Midway
Total AnnihilationStrategyAtari
Total AnnihilationStrategy
Total DestructionunknownBinary Zone
Touche: Adventures of The Fifth MusketeerAdventureUS Gold
Tour of the KnightunknownDominic Morris
Trash ItActionRage Games Ltd.
Turok: Dinosaur HunterActionIguana Entertainment
Turok: Dinosaur HunterActionAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Tut's PyramidunknownLoadstar
Twisted Metal 2ActionSingleTrac Entertainment Technologies
Ultimate Word AttackEducationalDavidson & Associates
Ultra Resort Keroncuel (ウルトラリゾートケロンキュール)AdventureMedia Craft
Vaahteramäen EemeliAdventureAstrid Lindgren
Vermeer – Die Kunst zu erbenStrategyAscaron
Versailles 1685: A Game of Intrigue at the Court of Louis XIVAdventureCryo
Versailles: A Game of Intrigue (aka Versailles 1685)AdventureCanal+ Multimedia
Virtua Copunknown
Virtua Cop 2unknown
Virtua Fighter AnimationActionTec Toy
Virtual NightclubAdventureThumb Candy
Virtual PongActionMalcolm Software
Virtual WingsSimulationCAT III Systems
Vlad Tepes DraculaStrategy
Wacky Races: A Tsuyoshi Takashiro Digital film (チキチキマシン猛レース)AdventureFuture Pirates Inc. (フューチャー・パイレーツ)
Wall-UpPuzzleSoleau Software
War DiaryStrategyTrigger Soft
War Of FlowersPuzzleMinho Choi
Warlords 3: Reign of HeroesStrategy
Warlords III: Reign of HeroesStrategyStrategic Studies Group (SSG)
What's in the Center of Cocoa Puffs?unknownGeneral Mills, Yumnasium Games
WheelchairunknownMr Scratcher
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? CD-ROMEducationalBrøderbund Software/The Learning Company
Wimbledon '97unknownAlan Moore
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BOMBY62unknownStefan Fleischmann
Windows 3.1 Shareware: HUNT121unknownAnders Bjork
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MMASHunknownAmbrosine
Windows 3.1: GPOKERunknown
Windows 3.1: LNRBBLunknownP.S. Neeley
Windows 3.1: OOOINSTMunknownBoxerjam
Windows 3.1: POOL30unknownZheng Lee
Windows 3.1: TARO521SunknownPatrick Coscas
Windows 3.1: TASHOWunknownP.S. Neeley
Wing Nuts: Battle in the SkyActionRocket Science Games
Wishbone Activity ZoneEducationalPalladium Interactive
Word HeadsEducationalSanctuary Woods
Worm, TheunknownMr Scratcher
WormsunknownSilicon Brains Software
Worms 2Action
Worms: The Director's CutActionTeam 17
X-COM: ApocalypseStrategyMicroProse Software
X-COM: ApocalypseStrategyMicroprose Software, Inc.
X-Men: Children of the AtomAction
X-Plane 3SimulationLaminar Research
XeniaActionRichard Theil
Yacht-3DPuzzleRoger Eastman
Yeaaaargh!unknownBinary Zone
Yellow Brick Road III: Harapeko Tsuki To Hoshi Atsume (ハラペコ月と星あつめ)AdventureSynergy Interactive
Yellow Submarine Screensaverunknown
Yendorian Tales - The Tyrants of ThaineRPGSmithWare
Yes ManStrategyBrian Kendall
Yeti TilesPuzzleNoah Stewart
Yoda StoriesunknownLucasArts
You Don't Know Jack: TelevisionPuzzleBerkeley Systems
You Don't Know Jack: Volume 3PuzzleBerkeley Systems
Young's ModulusActionAustin Meyer
Zero ZeroAdventureNicholson NY
Zork - The Undiscovered UndergroundAdventureActivision
Zork: Grand InquisitorAdventure
Zork: The Undiscovered UndergroundunknownInfocom