2002 Games


Robot 139
1893: A World's Fair MysteryEducationalIlluminated Lantern
A Right Pair of...unknownNaffsoft
A Soupcon of TroubleunknownAdventure Probe Software
A Soupcon of TroubleunknownAdventure Probe Software
A-OK! The Wings of MercuryEducationalApogee Software
Adventures of Sid Spider, TheunknownDavid Pegg
Age of MythologyStrategyEnsemble Studios
Age of Wonders 2 - The Wizard';s ThroneStrategyTriumph Studios
Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's ThroneStrategy
Aim for the Ace! Typing SmashEducationalSSI Tristar
Alchemy DeluxePuzzlePopCap Games
Android DemoActionjadegame.com
AngbandRPGAdam Winer
Apple CatcherunknownNaffsoft
Apple Spec Database 1.02 (run-time version).EducationalCasady & Greene
AquaManActionDoug Diego
Arcane ArenaRPGFreeverse
Arthur's Wilderness RescueEducationalThe Learning Company
Artus et le vaisseau fantômeEducationalMusée national de la marine
Arx FatalisRPGArkane Studios
Astérix & ObélixActionInfogrames
AstroSquidActionAladdin Systems
Atomic BondsPuzzleIdle King
ATV TrackunknownGaelco
Aussie SpellFORCEEducationalEdAlive
Avernum 3RPGJeff Vogel
Backyard Baseball 2003SportHumongous Entertainment
Beach Head 2002ActionWizardWorks
Bejeweled & AlchemyActionPopCap Games
Bibi und Tina 4 - Spuk im ZeltlagerAdventureBVM Produktion
Birdie ShootStrategyMacPlay
Black & White Platinum PackRPGLionhead Studios
Black ShadesActionWolfire Games
Blip & BlopActionFreeware
Block Invadersunknown
Bomb JackActionBrainDead
Bubble GirlunknownTHE BEST
Bubble Girl 2unknownTHE BEST
Bubble Trouble XActionAlex Metcalf & David Wareing
Bugdom 2AdventurePangea Software
Bygg hus med Mulle MeckEducationalGravity e-learning
Cat 'n' MouseunknownImanok
Chessmaster 9000Strategy
Combat Mission 2: Barbarossa to BerlinStrategyBig Time Software
Conflict:FreeSpace (Silent Threat) PPC Beta4ActionVolition inc.
Crazy Comets 2002 v0.3.7bActionMark Leopold
Crazy TaxiSport
DanTetrisPuzzleDan Greuel
Dark WoodsActionJocke The Beast
Dark WoodsActionJocke The Beast
Dark Woods 2AdventureJocke the Beast
Daylight RobberyunknownNaffsoft
Defender of the Crown: Digitally Remastered EditionStrategyCinemaware
Disney Magic Artist DeluxeEducationalDisney Interactive
Disney's You Can Fly! with Tinker BellAdventureGorilla Systems
Disney’s Treasure Planet CollectionActionDisney Interactive
Divine DivinityRPGLarian Studios
Dominions: Priests, Prophets and PretendersStrategyIllwinter Game Design
Droopy's Tennis OpenunknownLSP
Drops 1.0PuzzleHexa Labs
Dune GenerationsStrategy
Dungeon SiegeRPGGas Powered Games
Dungeon SiegeActionMicrosoft Corporation
Eight Legged FreaksActionWarner Bros.
Eject!MiscDavid Phillip Oster
EnclaveActionTopWare Interactive
Eternal DaughterActionBlackeye Software
EV NovaActionMatt Burch
F1 Championship Season 2000SportExitdata/Image Space
FalloutRPGBlack Isle Studios
Fallout 2RPGBlack Isle Studios
Freedom ForceStrategyIrrational Games
Gaelco FootballunknownGaelco
Game of the Winds 2.2PuzzleMartin Cordsmeier
Garfield Mad About CatsActionBrighter Minds
Giants: Citizen KabutoActionPlanet Moon Studios
Grammar Ages 11-15+EducationalAdvanced Software
GravitassActionForever Games
Haegemonia: Legions of IronStrategyDigital Reality
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneAdventureAspyr
Hearts of IronStrategyVirtual Programming
Hearts of IronStrategyParadox Entertainment
Hooligans: Storm Over EuropeStrategy
Icewind Dale 2RPGAtari
Industry Giant 2unknown
Inspector Gadget RacingActionLSP
Intellivision Greatest Hits 20th Anniversary EditionActionIntellivision Productions
Jedi Knight II: Jedi OutcastActionGameTek
Jet Set Willy - Dup Moor en T' PanatunknownNick Aldridge
Jet Set Willy - Fantasy World WillyunknownBaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ
Jet Set Willy - Jet Set Emily - Baby on the GounknownDoctor Who
Jet Set Willy - The DrUnKeN mAsTeRunknownBaSe1 PrOdUcTiOnZ
Jet Set Willy - The Sun is no Longer Producing HeatunknownNick Aldridge
Journey into DangerunknownNaffsoft
Jump Start: Animal AdventuresAdventureFunnybone
Kick Off 2002SportCoderus/Anco
Kid's Language StartersEducationalEureka Multimedia
Kid's Paint & PuzzlesEducationalEurekaMultimedia
King of the RoadSimulationSoftlab-NSK
King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones - VGA RemakeAdventureAnonymous Game Developers Interactive
Kingdom HeartsActionSquare Co., Ltd.
Kirby: Nightmare in DreamlandActionNintendo Co., LTD
Knight Lore RemakeunknownDevilish Games
Knight Rider: The GameActionDavilex
Land of the Magic Stones 2: The Mist of OblivionEducationalI.C.E. Multimedia
Links Championship EditionStrategyMicrosoft Game Studios/Green Dragon Creations
Little People Discovery AirportEducationalKnowledge Adventure
M&M's Flip the MixPuzzleBlockdot
Mac MoneyPuzzlePlaymax
Mac OS X Games Collection Vol. 1ActionPlaymax
Magnetit 2002unknownRaster
Maze of Galious Remake, TheunknownBrain Games
Maze of Galious Remake, TheunknownBrain Games
Megamania 1kunknown
Megamania 64unknownPadua
Minesweep v2.0unknownZarko Zivanov
Mobiclic 2002 CD CollectionEducationalMilan Presse
Mortadelo y FilemónMiscZeta Games
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Games
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2unknownElectronic Arts Canada
Nether Earth RemakeunknownBrain Games
Nether Earth RemakeunknownBrain Games
Nikki: The First AdventureAdventureShoebox
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M’s WayActionMonolith
O!Kay! CD-ROMs 2002Educational4ground
OIDS 2ActionXavagus Prime Software
Ollie Saves the PlanetEducationalSustain Ability International
Ollo In The Sunny Valley FairAdventureHulabee Entertainment
Ouch! 2unknownMirage Designs
PC MaziacsActionS. Romero
Penguin PowerActionJamie Cross
Poing!unknownTND Games
Poing! v1.4unknownTND Games
Ponere 1.0PuzzleMitchell Haile
Port Royaleunknown
Power SurgeunknownTND Games
Powerpuff Girls Learning Challenge #1: Mojo Jojo's Clone ZoneEducationalThe Learning Company
PsychounknownTND Games
Pudding BreathunknownTND Games
Quake II (Fruitz of Dojo)ActionAxel Wefers
Quake: GLQuake 1.1b3Actionbm2600
Quake: MacNehahra 1.1b3 - Game ExpansionActionThe Nehahra Project
QuinnPuzzleSimon Härtel
Rainbow Fish - The most beautiful fish in the oceanEducationalEmme/Lexis Numérique
Raptor: Air Superiority FighterActionConstant Variable
Reader Rabbit Dreamship TalesEducationalThe Learning Company
Robin Hood: The Legend of SherwoodRPGSpellbound Entertainment
Rodent RununknownNaffsoft
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2unknown
Rölli ja metsänhenkiAdventureElävät Kirjat
SamuraiAdventureTakeshi Sakai
Santa Claus in TroubleActionCDV Software
Santa Claus in TroubleActionCDV Software Entertainment
Serious Sam: The Second EncounterActionCroteam
ShantaeActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Sid Meier's SimGolfunknown
Simpsons TetrisPuzzlePaer J
Simpsons TetrisPuzzlePaer J
Smaller-BiggerunknownTND Games
Snacks 4 SnakesunknownProtovision
Snacks 4 SnakesunknownProtovision
Software Tycoon: The Games FactoryStrategye.p.i.c Interactive
Spider DinerunknownNaffsoft
Spy Kids: Mega Mission ZoneEducationalDisney Interactive
Star BlazersunknownTND Games
Star BlazersunknownTND Games
Strange Adventures in Infinite SpaceAdventureShrapnel Games
Super Pac TwinsunknownTND Games
Sven BømwøllenActionPhenomedia
Tactical Ops 2.2.0ActionLaurent
Taipan for Windowsunknown
Taipan for WindowsStrategyThomas J. Carroll
Tamale Loco: Rumble in the Desert IIActionSkunk Studios
The Elder Scrolls III: MorrowindRPG
The End of He-Man!AdventureMr Creosote
The Italian JobunknownPixelogic
The Moonlit Tower v1.0unknownYoon Ha Lee
The Three Stooges: Digitally Remastered EditionActionCinemaware
Thomas & Friends: Building the New LineAdventureStunt Puppy Entertainment
Tom Clancy's Ghost ReconActionRed Storm
Tom Clancy's Splinter CellActionUbiSoft
Total Immersion RacingSportRazorworks
Tron: Light Cycles IIunknownLarry Anderson
Turrican 2002ActionPekaro Software
Type to Learn 3EducationalSunburst
Universal Blast DuelunknownTND Games
WarBirds III: Fighter Pilot AcademySimulationiENtertainment Network
Warcraft III: Reign of ChaosStrategyBlizzard
WarCraft III: Reign of ChaosActionBlizzard Entertainment
Was ist Was - Das interaktive QuizEducationalBVM Produktion
X-COM: Allianceunknown
Yahtzee XPuzzlePeer Allan
Yar's Returnunknown
Zoboomafoo: Creature QuestEducationalBrighter Child Interactive
Zoombinis Island OdysseyEducationalThe Learning Company
ZX ManunknownNaffsoft