Title | Genre | Company |
H.A.R.D. - Heavy Armed Roboid Destroyer | unknown | IJK Software |
H.A.R.D. - Heavy Armed Roboid Destroyer | unknown | IJK Software |
H.A.R.D. - Heavy Armed Roboid Destroyer | unknown | IJK Software |
H.A.T.E. - Hostile All Terrain Encounter | unknown | Gremlin Graphics Software |
H.E.R.O. | Action | Activision |
H.E.R.O. | Action | Activision |
H.E.R.O. | unknown | Activision |
H.E.R.O. | unknown | Activision |
H.E.R.O. | unknown | Activision |
H.E.R.O. | unknown | Activision |
H.Q. | unknown | |
H.U.R.L. | Action | Millennium Media Group |
H.U.R.L. | unknown | Millennium Media Group |
H.U.R.L. (Slob Zone 3D) | Action | |
H2O | unknown | Webfoot Technologies, Inc. |
H2O | unknown | ABBUC |
H36 The Caves of Olympus | unknown | |
H36 The Sands of Egypt | unknown | |
HAAUG EPYX Summer Games | unknown | |
Habemos Demo | unknown | |
Habilit | unknown | Iber Soft |
Habilit | unknown | Iber Soft |
Habitactics | Educational | Missouri Dept. of Conservation |
Habitat | unknown | Lucasfilm Games |
Habu Meijin no Omoshiro Shōgi | unknown | Tomy |
Hack | RPG | Michael Kahl |
Hacker | Adventure | Activision |
Hacker | unknown | Activision |
Hacker | unknown | Activision |
Hacker | unknown | Activision |
Hacker | unknown | Activision |
Hacker | unknown | Activision |
Hacker | unknown | |
Hacker | unknown | Activision |
Hacker | unknown | |
Hacker | unknown | Activision |
Hacker 2 - The Doomsday Papers | Strategy | Activision |
Hacker Climax | unknown | |
Hacker Crackdown 1 | unknown | |
Hacker Crackdown 1 | unknown | |
Hacker Crackdown 2 | unknown | |
Hacker Crackdown 3 | unknown | |
Hacker Crackdown 3 | unknown | |
Hacker Crackdown 4 | unknown | |
Hacker II | unknown | |
Hacker II | unknown | Activision |
Hacker II | unknown | |
Hacker II | unknown | |
Hacker Side A | unknown | |
Hacker Side B | unknown | |
Hacker X-8.9 | RPG | CompuDav |
Hacker's Challenge .nib | unknown | |
Hades | Action | J.M. Rodríguez |
Hades Challenge | Adventure | Disney Interactive |
Hades Nebula | unknown | Nexus Productions |
Hades Nebula for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum | unknown | Nexus Productions |
Hadron | unknown | |
Haegemonia: Legions of Iron | Strategy | Digital Reality |
Haeilyvae Kaesite | unknown | |
Haetataki (はえたたき) | Action | Hiroshi Akuzawa |
Hagane: The Final Conflict | Action | Hudson Soft, LTD. |
Hagar | unknown | |
Hai Tetsuman Desu | Adventure | Teichiku |
Haight-Ashbury in the Sixties | Educational | Compton's New Media |
Hail! | Action | Ken Iwasa |
Hairsplitter | unknown | |
Hairy Legs | unknown | |
Haisei Mahjong Ryouga | unknown | ASCII |
Haja no Fuuin | unknown | ASCII |
Hakujitsumu | Adventure | Valve |
Hakunetsu Pro Yakyuu '93: Ganba League | unknown | Epic/Sony Records |
Hakunetsu Pro Yakyuu '94: Ganba League 3 | unknown | Epic/Sony Records |
Hal | unknown | |
HAL's Hole in One Golf | Simulation | HAL Laboratory / Ape, Inc. |
Halaga | unknown | Interceptor Micros Software |
Halaga | unknown | Interceptor Micros Software |
Half-Life | unknown | |
Half-Life | Action | Sierra On-Line Inc. |
Half-Life 2 for Mac (Expansions included) | Action | Valve |
Half-Life for OS X PPC (Alpha) | Action | Valve |
HalfBaked | unknown | |
Halftime Battlin' Bands | unknown | CBS Software |
Halftime Battlin' Bands | unknown | CBS Software |
Halley Project | Educational | Mindscape Inc |
Halley Project, The | unknown | Mindscape |
Hallowe'en | unknown | Micro-Sparc |
Halloween | Action | Wizard Video Games |
Halloween 2003 | unknown | |
Halloween 2011 Requests | unknown | |
Halloween 2014 | unknown | |
Halloween Harry | unknown | Interactive Binary Illusions |
Halloween Sudoku | Puzzle | Dracosoft |
HallowFOE | unknown | |
Halls Of Death | Adventure | Melbourne House |
Halls of Gold | unknown | |
Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II | RPG | Dreamer's Guild, The |
Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II | unknown | The Dreamers Guild |
Halls of the Things | unknown | Crystal Computing |
Halls of the Things | unknown | Crystal Computing |
Halls of the Things | unknown | |
Halls of the Things | unknown | Crystal Computing |
Halls of the Things II - Return of the Things | unknown | Design Design Software |
Halls of the Things Remix | unknown | Design Design Software |
Halls of the Things Remix | unknown | Design Design Software |
Halo: Combat Evolved | Action | Bungie |
halosounds | Action | Bungie |
Hamburger Hell | Action | |
Hameru to Monster | Puzzle | EBA Planning Office |
Hammer & Jarre | unknown | |
Hammer Boy | Action | Dinamic Software |
Hammer Boy | unknown | Dinamic Software |
Hammer Boy | unknown | |
Hammer Boy | unknown | |
Hammer Boy | Action | Dinamic |
Hammer Boy | Action | Dinamic |
Hammer Boy | Action | Dinamic |
Hammer Boy | Action | Dinamic |
Hammer Boy | Action | Dinamic |
Hammer Boy | Action | Dinamic |
Hammer Boy | Action | Dinamic |
Hammer of Grimmold, The | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Hammer of Grimmold, The | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Hammer of Grimmold, The v2 | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Hammer of the Gods | Strategy | Holistic Design |
Hammer of the Gods | unknown | Holistic Design |
Hammer-Head | Action | Zigurat |
Hammer-Head | Action | Zigurat |
Hammer-Head | Action | Zigurat |
Hammerfist | unknown | |
Hammerfist | unknown | Activision |
Hammerin’ Harry | Action | Irem |
HammerLock Wrestling | unknown | Jaleco |
HAMMURABI | unknown | |
Hammurabi: Feudalni Ekonomie | unknown | |
Hamon IV - Return to Home | unknown | Ascendancy |
Hampa 1930 | unknown | J. Izquierdo - L. Calvo |
Hampa 1930 | unknown | J. Izquierdo - L. Calvo |
Hampa 1930 | unknown | J. Izquierdo |
Hampa 1930 | unknown | J. Izquierdo |
Hampstead | unknown | Melbourne House |
Hampstead | unknown | Melbourne House |
Hampstead | unknown | Melbourne House |
Hampstead | unknown | Melbourne House |
Hampton's Caught | unknown | B.Sides Software |
Hamster Loco | Action | Ebrain Mobile |
Hamsters | Strategy | InterQuest Productions |
Hamsters en Folie | unknown | |
Hamtaro Janken | unknown | Shogakukan |
Hamtaro Painting Game | unknown | Shogukan |
Hamte Damte | unknown | Cross Technics |
HAMURABI | unknown | |
Hana no Keiji: Kumo no Kanata ni | unknown | Yojigen |
Hana no Star Kaidou | unknown | Victor Entertainment Inc. |
Hanafuda Ou | unknown | Coconuts Japan |
Handicap Golf | unknown | CRL Group |
Handicap Golf | unknown | CRL Group |
Handicap Golf | unknown | CRL Group |
Handle with Care | unknown | |
Handy Andy | unknown | CRL Group |
Handy Andy | unknown | CRL Group |
Handy Dandy | unknown | Gentry Software |
Hang On | unknown | |
Hang the Pope | unknown | |
Hang-On | Sport | Sega |
Hang-On | Sport | Sega Corporation |
Hang-On II | Sport | SEGA |
Hangman | Puzzle | Khobey Software |
HangMan | Puzzle | Ken Winograd |
Hangman | Puzzle | Khobey Software |
Hangman | Misc | Atari, Inc. |
Hangman | unknown | Softswap |
HANGMAN | unknown | |
Hangman | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Hangman | unknown | Mr Scratcher |
Hangman 9.0 | Puzzle | Ken Winograd |
Hangman Jigsaw Puzzle Reverse FollowMe Yahtzee | unknown | |
HangMan Plus | Puzzle | Ken Winograd |
Hangman Pro | Puzzle | Ken Winograd |
HANGMAN1 | unknown | |
HANGMAN2 | unknown | |
HANGMAN3 | unknown | |
HANGMAN4 | unknown | |
Hanjuku Hero | Strategy | Square Co., Ltd. |
Hanna-Barbera's Cartoon Carnival | unknown | Funhouse Design |
Hanna-Barbera's Cartoon Carnival | Action | *FunHouse* |
Hannibal | Strategy | Starbyte |
Hannibal | Strategy | |
HANOI | unknown | |
Hanoi King | unknown | Contrast Software |
Hanois Torn | unknown | Clas Kristiansson |
Hans Kloss | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Hans Kloss | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Hans Kloss | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Hans Kloss | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Hans Kloss | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Hanse - Die Expedition \(German\) | Strategy | Ascon GmbH |
Hanse XL | unknown | Turbosoft |
Hanse XL | unknown | Turbosoft |
Happelaar - Spacman | unknown | Your Computer |
Happiest Days of Your Life, The | unknown | Firebird Software |
Happy | unknown | |
Happy Birthday | unknown | |
Happy Birthday Bugs | unknown | Kemco/Seika |
Happy Birthday Dub 1 | unknown | |
Happy Birthday Hodory | unknown | |
Happy Birthday Syndrom | unknown | |
Happy Birthday TG of Acme | unknown | |
Happy Birthday Zipper | unknown | |
Happy Boy's Hut | Adventure | Robin Sevakis |
Happy Day, A | unknown | |
Happy Demo | unknown | |
Happy Easter | unknown | |
Happy Happy II | unknown | |
Happy House | Strategy | Harumi Arai |
Happy New Year | unknown | |
Happy New Year | unknown | |
Happy X Mosh | unknown | |
Happyland Adventures | Action | Free Lunch Design |
Happyweed! | Action | Christopher B. Council |
Harald Hardtand | Action | Palmolive A/S |
Hard Beat | unknown | |
Hard Cheese | unknown | DK'Tronics |
Hard Cheese | unknown | DK'Tronics |
Hard Drivin' | unknown | |
Hard Drivin' | unknown | Domark |
Hard Drivin' | unknown | Domark |
Hard Drivin' | unknown | Domark |
Hard Drivin' | Sport | |
Hard Drivin' 2 | Sport | |
Hard Hat Mack | Action | Electronic Arts |
Hard Hat Mack | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Hard Hat Mack | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Hard Hat Mack | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Hard Hat Mack | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Hard Hat Mack | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Hard Hat Mack | unknown | |
Hard Hat Mack | unknown | |
hard hat mack | unknown | |
Hard Hat Mack | unknown | |
Hard Hat Mack | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Hard Hat Mack | Action | |
Hard Hat Mack clean crack | unknown | |
Hard Hat Mack, Spit Fire, Telengard, Draw Poker | unknown | |
hard hat mack+ | unknown | |
Hard Hat Willy | unknown | Inhome Software |
Hard Nova | RPG | Electronic Arts |
Hard On Remix | unknown | |
Hard Stuff | unknown | |
Hard Target | unknown | |
Hard Traxx | unknown | |
Hard'n Easy | unknown | |
HardBall | unknown | Accolade |
Hardball 2 | unknown | |
HardBall 3 | Sport | Accolade |
Hardball 4 | Sport | Accolade |
HardBall 4 | unknown | MindSpan |
Hardball 5 | Sport | Accolade |
HardBall III | Sport | Accolade |
HardBall! for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum | unknown | Advance Software Promotions |
HARDCOPY | unknown | |
Hardcore | unknown | |
Harder Faster | unknown | |
Hardline | Action | Cryo Interactive |
Hardrock | unknown | |
Hare Raiser | unknown | Haresoft |
Hare Raiser | unknown | Haresoft |
Hare Raiser | unknown | Haresoft |
Hariboy's Quest | unknown | Condor Software |
Harlem Globetrotters | Sport | GameTek Inc |
Harlem Globetrotters | Sport | GameTek |
Harlequin | unknown | Mr. Micro |
Harley Davidson: Road To Sturgis | Simulation | Mindscape |
Harley the German | unknown | |
Harley's Humongous Adventure | Action | Caltron |
Harpoon | Strategy | Larry Bond |
Harpoon | Simulation | |
Harpoon II | Strategy | Aztech New Media |
Harpoon III | Strategy | Advanced Gaming Systems |
Harricana | unknown | |
Harrier Attack! | unknown | Durell Software |
Harrier Attack! | unknown | |
Harrier Attack! | unknown | Durell Software |
Harrier Demo, The | unknown | |
Harrier Strike Mission | Simulation | Miles Computing |
Harrier Strike Mission II | Simulation | Miles Computing |
Harry Goes Home | unknown | Pulsonic |
Harry Goes Home | unknown | Pulsonic |
Harry Hare's Lair | unknown | Artic Computing |
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | Adventure | Aspyr |
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone | Adventure | Aspyr |
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone | unknown | |
Harry Slideshow | unknown | |
Harry the Handsome Executive | Action | Ambrosia Software |
HARTENJAGEN | unknown | |
Harvest Moon | unknown | |
Harvest Moon | Simulation | Amccus |
Harvest Moon | Simulation | Pack-in-Video Co., Ltd. |
Harvester | Adventure | DigiFX Interactive, Inc. |
Harvey Headbanger | unknown | Firebird Software |
Harvey Headbanger | unknown | Firebird Software |
Harvey Headbanger for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum | unknown | Firebird |
Harvey Wallbanger | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Harvey Wallbanger | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Hashire Hebereke | unknown | Sunsoft |
Hat Trick | Sport | Bally Sente |
Hat Trick | Sport | Bally Sente |
Hat Trick | Sport | Bally Sente |
Hat Trick Hero 2 | unknown | Taito America Corporation |
Hatayama Hatch no Pro Yakyuu News! Jitsumei Han | unknown | Epoch Co. |
Hate | unknown | |
Hatris | Puzzle | Bullet-Proof Software |
Hats | unknown | Peter Kanold |
Hats | unknown | Peter Kanold |
Hattrick! | Strategy | Ikarion Software |
Haunted Castle | unknown | |
Haunted Hedges | unknown | Micromega |
Haunted Hedges | unknown | |
Haunted Hedges | unknown | Micromega |
Haunted Hill | unknown | Swifty Software |
Haunted Hill | unknown | Swifty Software |
Haunted Hotel | Puzzle | Red Marble Games |
Haunted House | Action | Atari |
Haunted House (Alligata Version) | Action | Alligata Software |
Haunted House (Atari 2600) | unknown | |
Haunted Mission Adventure | Adventure | AdventureWare |
Haunting | unknown | |
Haunting: Starring Polterguy | unknown | |
Haushaltsbuchfuehrung | unknown | |
HAVOC | Action | Reality Bytes |
Havoc | unknown | |
Havoc | unknown | Players Premier Software |
Havoc | unknown | |
Hawaii High - The Mystery of the Tiki | unknown | Sanctuary Woods |
Hawaii High: The Mystery of the Tiki | Adventure | Essex Interactive |
Hawk Music | unknown | |
Hawk Nose | unknown | |
Hawk Storm | unknown | Players Premier Software |
Hawk Storm | unknown | Players Premier Software |
Hawk Storm | unknown | |
Hawk Storm | unknown | Players Premier Software |
Hawkeye Demo | unknown | |
Hawkeye Demo & Monkey | unknown | |
Hawkmoon | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Hawkquest Cv - Mission 1 - Mycea & Mission 2 - Ancoona | unknown | Red Rat Software |
Hawks | unknown | Lotus-Soft |
Hawks | unknown | Lotus-Soft |
Hayauchi Super Igo | unknown | Namco Ltd |
Hayazashi Nidan Morita Shogi 2 | unknown | Seta |
Hazard Run | unknown | Artworx |
HBBS Version 0.7 | unknown | Matthew Dornquast |
Head Coach | unknown | Addictive Games |
Head Coach | unknown | Addictive Games |
Head On | unknown | California Pacific Computer |
Head Over Heels | Adventure | Ocean |
Head over Heels | unknown | Hit Squad |
Head over Heels | unknown | Hit Squad |
Head over Heels | unknown | Ocean |
Head over Heels | unknown | Ocean |
Head over Heels | unknown | Ocean |
Head over Heels | unknown | Ocean |
Head over Heels | unknown | Ocean |
Head over Heels | unknown | Ocean |
Head over Heels | unknown | Ocean |
Head over Heels | unknown | Ocean |
Head Over Heels | unknown | FX software |
Head Over Heels for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum | unknown | Ocean |
Head over Heels Remake | unknown | Helmantika |
Head Start | unknown | Bug-Byte Software |
Head Start | unknown | Bug-Byte Software |
Head, The | unknown | |
Headache | unknown | |
Headbang | unknown | |
Headbanger | unknown | Bill Halsall |
Headbangers Heaven | unknown | Llamasoft |
Headbangers Heaven | unknown | Llamasoft |
Headbangers Heaven | unknown | Llamasoft |
Headbangers Heaven | unknown | Llamasoft |
Headbangings | unknown | |
Headerline | unknown | |
Headhunter | unknown | |
Headline Harry and the Great Paper Race | Educational | Davidson & Associates |
Heads, The | unknown | |
Heart | unknown | |
Heart Break | unknown | Atari |
Heart Broken | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Heart Broken | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Heart Broken | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Heart Broken - Adventure 3 | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Heart Of Africa | Strategy | Electronic Arts |
Heart of China | Adventure | Sierra |
Heart of Darkness | Action | Amazing Studios |
Heart of Darkness | Action | Interplay Entertainment |
Heart of the Alien: Out of this World parts I and II | Action | Interplay |
Heart Pet Shop Boys | unknown | |
HEART'S DESIRE | unknown | |
Heartland | unknown | Odin Computer Graphics |
Heartland | unknown | Odin Computer Graphics |
Heartland | unknown | Odin Computer Graphics |
Heartland | unknown | |
Heartlight | Puzzle | |
Heartlight | unknown | Janusz Pelc |
HeartQuest | Action | Ingemar Ragnemalm |
Hearts | Puzzle | Loki Engineering |
Hearts for Windows | unknown | Paul Pedriana |
Hearts of Iron | Strategy | Virtual Programming |
Hearts of Iron | Strategy | Paradox Entertainment |
Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday | Strategy | Paradox |
Hearts v1.1 | unknown | Ray Borsick |
Heartthrob Memorial | Simulation | Konami |
Heat Seeker | Action | Mind Games |
Heat Wave | Sport | Accolade |
Heathcliff: Fun With Spelling | unknown | Datasoft |
Heathcliff: Fun With Spelling | unknown | Datasoft |
Heathrow Air Traffic Control | unknown | Hewson Consultants |
Heathrow Air Traffic Control | unknown | Hewson Consultants |
Heathrow International Air Traffic Control | unknown | |
Heathrow International Air Traffic Control | unknown | Hewson Consultants |
Heathrow International Air Traffic Control | unknown | Hewson Consultants |
Heatseeker | unknown | |
Heatseeker | unknown | |
Heaven & Earth | Strategy | Buena Vista Software |
Heaven and Hell III | unknown | |
Heaven';s Dawn | Adventure | Art 9 Entertainment Inc. |
Heavy Barrel | unknown | Data East Corporation |
Heavy Barrel | Action | Data East Corporation |
Heavy Barrel | unknown | Data East |
Heavy Barrel | unknown | Data East |
Heavy Barrel | unknown | |
Heavy Metal | unknown | Page 6 Magazine |
Heavy Metal | Action | Access |
Heavy Metal | unknown | |
Heavy Metal | unknown | |
Heavy Metal Paradroid | Action | Hewson |
Heavy on the Magick | Adventure | Gargoyle Games, Ltd |
Heavy on the Magick | unknown | |
Heavy on the Magick | unknown | Gargoyle Games |
Heavy on the Magick | unknown | Gargoyle Games |
Heavy on the Magick | unknown | Gargoyle Games |
Heavy Thing, A | unknown | |
Heavy X Mosh | unknown | |
Heavyweight | unknown | |
Heavyweight Champ - James "Buster" Douglas Knockout Boxing | unknown | Sega Corporation |
Hebereke | unknown | Sunsoft |
Hebereke's Popoitto | Puzzle | Sunsoft |
Hebereke's Popoon | Puzzle | Sunsoft |
Hedda's Revenge | unknown | Adventure Probe Software |
Hedor del Dinero, El | unknown | López Grao |
Hedor del Dinero, El | unknown | López Grao |
Heian Fuuunden | unknown | KSS |
Heilige Rustung des Antiriad, Die | unknown | Palace Software |
Heilige Rustung des Antiriad, Die | unknown | Palace Software |
Heimdall | RPG | Core Design |
Heimdall 2 | Action | Core Design |
Heimdall 2: Into the Hall of Worlds | RPG | |
Heimdall 2: Into the Hall of Worlds | unknown | Core Design LTD. |
Heineken | unknown | |
Heinlein Station | unknown | Evan C. Wright |
Heirs to the throne | Strategy | Quantum Quality Productions |
Heisei Gunjin Shougi | unknown | Carrozzeria |
Heisei Inu Monogatari Bow: Pop'n Smash!! | unknown | Takara |
Heisei Tensai Bakabon | unknown | Namco Ltd |
Heist 2012 | unknown | Firebird Software |
Heist 2012 | unknown | Firebird Software |
Heist, The | unknown | Microfun |
Heist, The | unknown | Microfun |
Heist, The | unknown | Microfun |
Heiwa Pachinko World | unknown | Shouei System |
Heiwa Parlor! Mini 8: Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game | unknown | Nippon Telenet |
Heli 2 | unknown | Thomas Bernhart |
Heli Killer | unknown | Tajemnice Atari |
Heli-Land | unknown | |
Helichopper | unknown | |
Helichopper | unknown | Firebird Software |
Helichopper | unknown | Firebird Software |
Helicopter Mission | Simulation | Rauser Advertainment |
Helicopter Rescue | unknown | B.I.S. |
Helicopter Simulator | Simulation | ?? |
Helicoptero 2000 | unknown | |
Helikopter | unknown | JanSoft |
Helikopter | unknown | CPU |
Helikopter Jagd | Action | Ocean |
Helikoptertengeralattjaro Vadasz | unknown | Laszlo Nyitrai |
Helikoptertengeralattjaro Vadasz | unknown | Laszlo Nyitrai |
Helious | Strategy | Albino Frog Software, Inc. |
Helious 2 | Strategy | Albino Frog Software, Inc. |
Helix | unknown | Mirage |
Helix | unknown | Mirage |
Hell - A Cyberpunk Thriller | Adventure | GameTek |
Hell Cab | Adventure | Digital Fusion, Inc. |
Hell No! | unknown | |
Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller | unknown | Take-Two Interactive |
Hellcat Ace | Simulation | MicroProse |
Hellcat Ace | unknown | MicroProse Software |
Hellcat Ace | unknown | MicroProse Software |
Hellfire | unknown | Melbourne House |
Hellfire | unknown | Melbourne House |
Hellfire Attack | unknown | Martech Games |
hellfire warrior | unknown | |
Hellfire Zone | Simulation | Panoramic Software |
Hellgate | Action | Llamasoft |
Hello Kitty Big Fun Deluxe | Educational | Sanrio |
Hello Kitty no Ohanabatake | unknown | Character Soft |
Hello Kitty World | Action | Character Soft |
Hellodemo Flux | unknown | |
Hellowoon: Das Geheimnis des Zauberstabs | Adventure | Ariolasoft |
Hellraider | Action | Atari |
HELLSEHER | unknown | |
Helm | Adventure | Firebird |
Helm, The | unknown | Firebird Software |
Helm, The | unknown | Firebird Software |
Help! | unknown | E.S.O. |
Help!! | unknown | |
Helter Skelter | Action | The Assembly Line |
Helter Skelter | unknown | |
Helter Skelter | unknown | Audiogenic Software |
Helter Skelter | Puzzle | |
Helter Skelter - Editor | unknown | Audiogenic Software |
Helvera - Mistress of the Park | unknown | FSF Adventures |
Henri | unknown | Visions Software Factory |
Henry's Hoard | unknown | Alternative Software |
Henry's Hoard | unknown | Alternative Software |
Henry's Hoard | unknown | Alternative Software |
Henry's House | unknown | Mastertronic |
Henry's House | unknown | Mastertronic |
Henry's House | unknown | Mastertronic |
Henry'S House | Action | English Software |
Herbert's Dummy Run | unknown | Mikro-Gen |
Herbert's Dummy Run | unknown | Mikro-Gen |
Herbert's Dummy Run | unknown | |
Herbert's Dummy Run | unknown | Mikro-Gen |
Herbert'S Dummy Run | Adventure | Mikro-Gen |
Herby | Puzzle | Radarsoft |
Hercules | Action | |
Hercules | unknown | Alpha-Omega Software |
Hercules Slayer of the Damned | unknown | |
Hercules - Slayer of the Damned | unknown | Gremlin Graphics Software |
Hercules - Slayer of the Damned | unknown | Gremlin Graphics Software |
Hercules Print Studio | unknown | Disney Interactive |
Here be Tygers | unknown | Automata UK |
Here be Tygers - Intro | unknown | Automata UK |
Here Comes the Sun | unknown | Alligata Software |
Here to Stay | unknown | |
Here We Go Again | unknown | |
Here's Alf II | unknown | |
Heresville | unknown | Wazertown Works |
Heretic | Misc | id-Software |
Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders | Action | ID Software |
Heritage, L' | unknown | |
Hermes GFX Collection | unknown | |
Hermitage, The | unknown | Pegasus Developments |
Hermitage, The | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Hermitage, The | unknown | Pegasus Developments |
Hero | unknown | Activision |
Hero | unknown | Activision |
hero 12k file DOS | unknown | |
hero 12k file PRODOS | unknown | |
Hero Of The Golden Talisman | Action | Mr. Chip Software |
Hero Quest | Adventure | Gremlin Interactive |
Hero Quest | unknown | 221B Software Development |
Hero Quest | unknown | Gremlin Graphics Software |
Hero Quest | unknown | Gremlin Graphics Software |
Hero Quest | unknown | Gremlin Graphics Software |
Hero Quest | unknown | |
Hero Quest | unknown | Gremlin Graphics Software |
Hero Quest Return of the Witchlord | unknown | |
Hero Quest - Return of the Witch Lord | unknown | Gremlin Graphics Software |
Hero Quest 2: Legacy of Sorasil | Strategy | Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd. |
Hero Senki: Project Olympus | unknown | Banpresto |
Hero-Quest | unknown | Karry Soft |
Hero’s Quest: So You Want To Be A Hero | RPG | Sierra On-Line |
Hero';s Heart | Strategy | Everett Kaser Software |
Herobotix | unknown | |
Herod’s Lost Tomb | Adventure | Media Art |
Heroes | unknown | |
Heroes | unknown | |
Heroes '92 | unknown | Proxima Software |
Heroes Arena | Action | Imanok |
Heroes Collection | Misc | Topo Soft |
Heroes Of Karn | Adventure | Interceptor Software |
Heroes of Karn | unknown | Interceptor Micros Software |
Heroes of Karn | unknown | Interceptor Micros Software |
Heroes of Karn | unknown | Interceptor Micros Software |
Heroes of Karn | unknown | Interceptor Micros Software |
Heroes of Karn | unknown | Interceptor Micros Software |
Heroes of Karn | unknown | Interceptor Micros Software |
Heroes of Karn | unknown | |
Heroes of Might & Magic | Strategy | New World Computing |
Heroes of Might & Magic 2 - Gold Edition | Strategy | New World Computing |
Heroes of Might & Magic 3 | Misc | New World Computing |
Heroes of Might and Magic | Adventure | New World Computing |
Heroes of Might and Magic II | Strategy | |
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars | Strategy | New World Computing |
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars | Adventure | The 3DO Company |
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia | Strategy | |
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia | Strategy | New World Computing |
Heroes of the 357th | Simulation | |
Heroes of the Lance | Action | SSI |
Heroes of the Lance | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Heroes of the Lance | unknown | |
Heroes of the Lance | unknown | Tengen - U.S. Gold |
HeroQuest | RPG | |
HeroQuest | Misc | Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd. |
Heroquest 2004 | Strategy | Freeware |
Heros: The Sanguine Seven | Action | |
Herrgarden | unknown | Xcellent Software |
Herrscher | Strategy | Mr Creosote |
HES Games Side 1 | unknown | |
hes games1 | unknown | |
Hesitation | unknown | |
Hexagon Party Demo | unknown | |
Hexagonal Museum, The | unknown | Double Play Adventures |
Hexagonal Museum, The | unknown | Double Play Adventures |
Hexagonal Museum, The - Intro | unknown | Double Play Adventures |
Hexagonal Museum, The - Intro | unknown | Double Play Adventures |
Hexen | Action | Raven |
Hexen 2 | Action | Raven |
Hexen: Beyond Heretic | unknown | |
Hexen: Beyond Heretic | Action | ID Software |
HEXPAWN 2.0 | unknown | |
Hexpert | Action | Anirog Software |
Hextris | Puzzle | Ezra Dreisbach |
Hexuma – Das Auge des Kal | Adventure | Software 2000 |
Hexx | RPG | Psygnosis |
Hexxagon | Puzzle | Argo Games |
Hexxagon | unknown | WE Group |
Hexxagon | unknown | WE Group |
Hexxagon 2 | Puzzle | Argo Games |
Hey Bill | unknown | |
Hey Stoopid | unknown | |
HF Columns | unknown | Logo |
Hi Letter 1 | unknown | |
Hi Letter 3 | unknown | |
Hi Lo | unknown | |
Hi Lo | unknown | |
Hi no Tori: Houou-hen: Gaou no Bouken | unknown | Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc. |
Hi Q Quiz | unknown | |
Hi Res Computer Golf | unknown | |
Hi-Octane | Sport | Electronic Arts |
Hi-Octane | Sport | |
Hi-Res Adventure 0 - Mission Asteroid | unknown | On-Line Systems |
Hi-Res Adventure 1 - Mystery House | unknown | On-Line Systems |
Hibernated 1: This Place is Death | Adventure | Pond Soft |
Hidden Agenda | unknown | |
Hidden City | unknown | Bytewell |
Hidden City | unknown | Bytewell |
Hidden Runaway | unknown | Pendulo Studios |
Hidden Science | unknown | |
Hidden Secrets: The Nightmare | Adventure | Gogii Games |
Hide and Seek | unknown | Adventure Probe Software |
Hideous | unknown | Alternative Software |
Higashio Osamu Kanshuu Super Pro Yakyuu Stadium | unknown | Tokuma Shoten |
Higemaru Makaijima: Nanatsu no Shima Daibouken | Action | Capcom Co., Ltd. |
High Anxiety | unknown | |
High Anxiety | unknown | |
High Command | unknown | Kamyan Software |
High Command: Europe 1939-45 | Strategy | |
High Epidemy | unknown | |
High Fashion | unknown | |
High Flyer | Simulation | Commodore |
High Frontier | unknown | Activision |
High Frontier | unknown | Activision |
High in the Sky | unknown | |
High Music II | unknown | |
High Music III | unknown | |
High Noon | unknown | Work Force |
High Noon | unknown | Work Force |
High Noon | unknown | |
High Noon | unknown | Work Force |
High Resolution Othello | unknown | Hilger, Jim |
High Rise | unknown | Microlearn |
High Rise | unknown | Compute! |
High Rise | unknown | Micro Learn |
High Rise | unknown | Micro Learn |
High Rollers side A | unknown | |
High Rollers side B | unknown | |
High School! Kimengumi | unknown | Sega Corporation |
High Seas Trader | Strategy | Impressions Games |
High Speed | Simulation | Tradewest, Inc. |
High Stakes | unknown | Mindscape |
High Steel | unknown | Screen 7 |
High Steel | unknown | |
High Steel | unknown | Screen 7 |
High Steel | unknown | Screen 7 |
High Tech | unknown | |
High Voltage | unknown | |
Higher Love | unknown | |
Highlander | unknown | Ocean |
Highlander | unknown | Ocean |
Highlander | unknown | Ocean |
Highlander | unknown | Ocean |
Highlander | unknown | |
Highlander | unknown | Ocean |
Highlander | unknown | Ocean |
Highlife #02 | unknown | |
Highlife #03 | unknown | |
Highlife #04 | unknown | |
Highlife #09 | unknown | |
Highlife #10 | unknown | |
Highlife #12 | unknown | |
Highnoon | Action | Ocean |
Highrise | unknown | |
Highrise Harry | unknown | Blaby Computer Games |
Highrise Harry | unknown | Blaby Computer Games |
Highway Duel | unknown | Dynamics Marketing |
Highway Encounter | unknown | Vortex Software |
Highway Encounter | unknown | Vortex Software |
Highway Encounter | unknown | Vortex Software |
Highway Encounter | unknown | |
Highway Encounter | unknown | Vortex Software |
Highway Encounter | unknown | Vortex |
Highway Fighter | Sport | |
Highway Fighter | Action | Kai Magazine |
Highway Hunter | Action | Safari Software |
Highway Hunter | Sport | |
Highway Patrol | unknown | |
Highway Patrol 2 | Sport | |
Highway Star | unknown | Square Co., Ltd. |
Highway to Heaven | unknown | |
Highway to Heaven | Action | Topo Soft |
Hijack | unknown | Electric Dreams Software |
Hill Street Blues | Adventure | Krisalis Software Ltd. |
Hillsfar | Adventure | SSI |
Hiōden: Mamono-tachi tono Chikai | unknown | Wolf Team |
Hip Game Pack | Action | HipSoft |
Hip Hop | unknown | |
Hip Hops Demo | unknown | |
Hirake! Ponkikki | unknown | Takara |
Hire Hare | unknown | CNG Soft |
Hired Guns | RPG | DMA Design Limited |
Hired Guns | unknown | DMA Design |
Hireophant | unknown | |
Hires | unknown | |
hirescomputergolf2master | unknown | |
hirescomputergolf2procourses | unknown | |
Hirise | unknown | |
Hiryuu no Ken II: Dragon no Tsubasa | unknown | Culture Brain |
Hiryuu no Ken S: Hyper Version | unknown | Culture Brain |
Hiryuu no Ken Special: Fighting Wars | unknown | Culture Brain |
Hiryuu no Ken: Ougi no Sho | unknown | Culture Brain |
Hissatsu Doujou Yaburi | unknown | Sigma Enterprises |
Hissatsu Pachinko Collection | unknown | Sunsoft |
Hissatsu Shigoto Nin | unknown | Banpresto |
Hisshou 777 Fighter II: Pachi-Slot Maruhi Jouhou | unknown | Vap |
Hisshou 777 Fighter III: Kokuryuu Ou no Fukkatsu | unknown | Vap |
Hisshou 777 Fighter: Pachi-Slot Ryuuguu Densetsu | unknown | Vap |
Hisshou Pachi-Slot Fun | unknown | The Developers of Incredible Power |
Histeria | unknown | |
Historias de Medialand | unknown | JSJ Soft |
Historias de Medialand | unknown | JSJ Soft |
Historias de Medialand | unknown | JSJ Soft |
Historias de Medialand | unknown | JSJ Soft |
Historias de Medialand | unknown | JSJ Soft |
History Line 1914-1918 | Strategy | Blue Byte |
History of JGR | unknown | |
History of the World | unknown | |
Hit | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Hit Squad, The | unknown | |
Hit Squad, The | unknown | Codemasters |
Hit Squad, The | unknown | Codemasters |
Hit the Ice | Sport | Taito America Corporation |
Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, The | unknown | Estuary Software Products |
Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, The | unknown | Estuary Software Products |
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The | unknown | |
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The | Adventure | Infocom |
Hitler no Fukkatsu: Top Secret | unknown | Capcom Co., Ltd. |
Hitman: Codename 47 | Action | IO Interactive |
Hitman: Codename 47 | Action | Eidos Interactive, Inc. |
Hitmen Mag #3 | unknown | |
Hits of Bob, The | unknown | |
Hive | unknown | Firebird Software |
Hive | unknown | Firebird Software |
Hive | unknown | |
HIVMania | unknown | Shadows |
Hlavolam 1 | unknown | Raster |
Hlavolam 2 | unknown | Raster |
Hledac - Cesta za Zlatem Mayu | unknown | Kybso |
HMAN | unknown | |
HMT Demo 2008 | unknown | |
Ho! Ho! Ho! Five Family Christmas Games | unknown | David H. Schroeder |
Hob's Hoard | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Hob's Hoard | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Hobbit (Disk Version) | Adventure | Melbourne House |
hobbit 1 | unknown | |
Hobbit Music, The | unknown | |
Hobbit, El | unknown | Mojon Twins |
Hobbit, The | unknown | |
Hobbit, The v1.0 | unknown | Melbourne House |
Hobbit, The v1.0 | unknown | Melbourne House |
Hobbit, The v1.2 | unknown | Melbourne House |
Hobbit, The v1.2 | unknown | Melbourne House |
Hobble Hunter, The | unknown | Compass Software |
Hobble Hunter, The | unknown | Compass Software |
Hobgoblin | unknown | |
Hockey | unknown | Gamma Software |
Hockey | unknown | Ian Collier |
Hockey League Simulator | unknown | |
Hocus Focus | unknown | Quicksilva |
Hocus Focus | unknown | Quicksilva |
Hocus Pocus | Action | Apgoee |
Hocus Pocus | Action | Apogee Software, LTD. |
Hodge Podge | unknown | Artworx |
Hodj 'n' Podj | Strategy | Boffo Games |
Hodory's Birthday | unknown | |
Hoehlen von Olymp, Die | unknown | Noone, Thomas - Noone, Patrick |
Hoeyspenning | unknown | |
Hogan’s Alley | Action | Nintendo |
Hogan’s Alley | unknown | |
Hogbear | Adventure | PC-SIG |
Hokuto no Ken | unknown | Toei Animation |
Hokuto no Ken | Action | Shouei System, Toei Animation |
Hokuto no Ken 2: Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu | unknown | Toei Animation |
Hokuto no Ken 3: Shinseiki Souzou: Seiken Retsuden | unknown | Toei Animation |
Hokuto no Ken 4: Shichisei Hakenden: Hokuto Shinken no Kanata e | unknown | Toei Animation |
Hold Up | unknown | |
Holdmentes | unknown | Laszlo Nyitrai |
Holdmentes | unknown | Laszlo Nyitrai |
Holdmentes | unknown | Laszlo Nyitrai |
Hole In One | Sport | MAD |
Hole in One Miniature Golf | Sport | Digitek |
Hole-In-One Miniature Golf | Sport | DigiTek Software |
Holiday Demo | unknown | |
Holiday Demo, The | unknown | |
Holiday Dream '91 | unknown | |
Holiday Greetings and Card Maker | unknown | |
Holiday in Sumaria | unknown | Pirate Software |
Holiday in Sumaria | unknown | Pirate Software |
Holiday island | Simulation | Sunflowers |
Holiday Job | unknown | |
Holiday Lemmings | Strategy | Psygnosis |
Holiday Lemmings (Xmas Lemmings) '91 | Puzzle | DMA Design Limited |
Holiday Lemmings (Xmas Lemmings) '92 | Puzzle | DMA Design Limited |
Holiday Lemmings '93 | Puzzle | Psygnosis Limited |
Holiday Lemmings '94 | Misc | Psygnosis Limited |
Holiday Lemmings '94 | Puzzle | DMA Design Limited |
Holiday Maker | Adventure | Software 2000 |
Holiday Mix II | unknown | |
Holiday, The | unknown | |
Holidays | unknown | |
Holidays Demo | unknown | |
Hollow, The v2 | unknown | Gilsoft International |
Hollywood Girl Show | unknown | |
Hollywood Hijinx | Adventure | Infocom |
Hollywood Hijinx | unknown | |
Hollywood Hijinx | unknown | Infocom |
Hollywood Hijinx | unknown | Infocom |
Hollywood Hijinx r37 861215 | unknown | |
Hollywood Monsters | Adventure | Pendulo Studios |
Hollywood Monsters | Adventure | Pendulo Studios |
Hollywood Monsters | Adventure | Pendulo Studios |
Hollywood or Bust | unknown | |
Hollywood Pictures | Strategy | Starbyte |
Hollywood Poker | unknown | Diamond Games |
Hollywood Poker | unknown | Diamond Games |
Hollywood Squares | Puzzle | Gametek |
Hollywood Squares | unknown | GameTek Inc |
Hollywood Squares | Puzzle | |
Hollywood Squares side A | unknown | |
Holmes 1 2 3 | unknown | |
Holocaust | unknown | |
holtrinehartwinston thevoyageofthemini mapsandgation d1s1 piratesgold lostatsea cracked | unknown | |
holtrinehartwinston thevoyageofthemini mapsandgation d1s2 hurricane cracked | unknown | |
holtrinehartwinston thevoyageofthemini mapsandgation d2 rescuemission cracked | unknown | |
Holy Diver | Action | Irem Software Engineering, Inc. |
Holy Grail | unknown | W. Kerr |
Holy Grail | Adventure | |
Holy Maling | unknown | |
Holy Refuge landscape part | unknown | |
Holy Refugee | unknown | |
Holy Smoke | unknown | |
Holy Umbrella: Dondera no Mubo | unknown | Naxat Soft |
Holye Classic Card Games | Strategy | Sierra |
holygrail1 | unknown | |
holygrail2 | unknown | |
Homage | unknown | |
Home Alone | Action | Capstone |
Home Alone | Action | THQ Inc. |
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York | unknown | THQ Inc. |
Home Alone 2: Lost In New York | unknown | |
Home Hungaroring | unknown | Kerszi |
Home Improvement: Power Tool Pursuit! | unknown | Absolute Entertainment |
Home Invasion | unknown | |
Home Invasion | unknown | |
Home Knitter, The | unknown | Meadowmarsh Software |
Home of Techno | unknown | |
Home Run | Sport | Atari |
Home Run Derby | unknown | |
Home Runner | unknown | |
Home Sweet Home | unknown | |
Homer's Honey Craze | unknown | New World |
Homeworld | Strategy | Relic |
Homeworld | Adventure | Sierra On-Line Inc. |
Homeworld 2 | Strategy | Relic |
Homeworld: Cataclysm | Strategy | Barking Dog Studios |
Homey D. Clown | Adventure | |
Homo News #1 | unknown | |
Homo News #2 | unknown | |
Hon Shougi: Naitou 9 Dan Shougi Hiden | unknown | Seta |
Honba za Pokladem | unknown | Proxima Software |
Honest Joe | unknown | Gonad the Barbarian |
Honey Peach | Adult | Sachen |
Hong Kong Phooey | unknown | Hi-Tec Software |
Hong Kong Phooey | unknown | Hi-Tec Software |
Hong Kong Phooey | unknown | Hi-Tec Software |
Hong Kong Phooey | unknown | |
Hong-Kong Mahjong | unknown | |
Honkaku Mahjong: Tetsuman | unknown | Naxat Soft |
Honkaku Mahjong: Tetsuman II | unknown | Naxat Soft |
Honkaku Shougi: Fuuunji Ryuuou | unknown | Virgin Interactive |
Honkakuha Igo: Gosei | unknown | Taito America Corporation |
Honky | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Honky | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Honoo no Toukyuuji: Dodge Danpei | unknown | Sunsoft |
Honoo no Toukyuuji: Dodge Danpei 2 | unknown | Sunsoft |
Honzovo Dobrodruzstvi | unknown | Panthersoft |
Hoodoooooo | unknown | |
Hook | Adventure | Ocean |
Hook | unknown | Sony (CSG) Imagesoft |
Hook | Adventure | |
Hookey | unknown | Antic |
Hooligan | unknown | |
Hooligans: Storm Over Europe | Strategy | |
Hooper | Action | Microhobby |
Hoops | Sport | Jaleco |
Hope, The | unknown | |
Hopper | unknown | James L. Petivan |
Hopper | unknown | PSS |
Hopper Copper | unknown | |
Hopper Copper | unknown | Silverbird Software |
Hopper Copper | unknown | Silverbird Software |
Hopping Mad | unknown | |
Hopping Mad | unknown | Elite Systems |
Hora Bruja | unknown | ESP Soft |
Horace & the Spiders | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Horace & the Spiders | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Horace & the Spiders | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Horace & the Spiders | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Horace Goes Seal Culling | unknown | Matthew Smith |
Horace Goes Skiing | Action | Melbourne House |
Horace Goes Skiing | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Horace Goes Skiing | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Horace Goes Skiing | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Horace Goes Skiing | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Horace Goes Skiing | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Horace Goes Skiing | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Horacio Esquiador | Action | Panik Software |
Horacio y las Aranas | unknown | Investronica |
Horde, The | Strategy | Toys for Bob |
Hordes of Orcs 2 | Strategy | MrJoy |
Horizon Demos | unknown | |
Horizon V | unknown | Gebelli Software |
Horizon V | unknown | Gebelli Software |
Horizon V, Night Mission Pinball, The Asteroid Field, Phantoms Five | unknown | |
Horloger 1, L' | unknown | |
Horloger 2, L' | unknown | |
Hormigas | unknown | Microbyte |
Horney Cow | unknown | |
Horror Business | unknown | |
Horror City | Action | Novotrade |
Horror Zombies from the Crypt | Action | Astral Software |
Hors d'oeuvre | unknown | |
Horse | unknown | |
HORSE | unknown | |
Horse Apple Downs | unknown | |
Horse Demo | unknown | |
Horse Race | Sport | Thomas Schulze |
HORSE RACEING | unknown | Matteo Trevisan |
Horse Racing Classic | unknown | Tazumi |
Horse Racing Classic | unknown | Tazumi |
Horseplay | unknown | Naffsoft |
HORSERACE | unknown | |
Hoshi no Kirby: Yume no Izumi no Monogatari | unknown | Nintendo Co., LTD |
Hoshi o Miru Hito | unknown | HOT・B |
Hoshi wo Sagashite... | Action | Sega Corporation |
Hospital, The | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Hostage | Action | Infogrames |
Hostage | unknown | |
Hostage | unknown | |
Hostages | unknown | Infogrames |
Hostages | unknown | Infogrames |
Hostages | unknown | Infogrames |
Hostages: The Embassy Mission | unknown | Kemco/Seika |
Hostile Waters | Strategy | Rage |
hostilewaterspart2 | Misc | company |
Hot 5 | unknown | |
Hot Blocks | unknown | NIX |
Hot Copter | unknown | Andrew Bradfield |
Hot Copter | unknown | Andrew Bradfield |
Hot Lips | unknown | London Software |
Hot Margarine #1 | unknown | |
Hot Pop | Sport | Activision |
Hot Rod | unknown | |
Hot Rod Raider | unknown | W. Halsall |
Hot Slots | Simulation | Panesian Ltd. |
Hot Speed | Action | Ediciones Mago |
Hot Wheel | unknown | Ingo Linkweiler |
Hot Wheels | Sport | Epyx |
Hot-Rod | unknown | Activision |
Hot'n'Hard | unknown | |
Hotch Potch | unknown | Mastertronic |
Hotel Alien | unknown | Artworx |
Hotel Mario | Action | Philips Interactive Media |
Hototogisu | unknown | Irem Software Engineering, Inc. |
Hotpig | unknown | |
Hotshot | unknown | Addictive Games |
Hotshot | unknown | |
Hotshot #01 | unknown | |
Hotshot #02 | unknown | |
Hotshot #04 | unknown | |
Hotshot #05 | unknown | |
Hotshot #06 | unknown | |
Hotshot #08 | unknown | |
Hotshot #09 | unknown | |
Hotshot #10 | unknown | |
Hotshot #11 | unknown | |
Hotshot #12 | unknown | |
Hotshot #16 | unknown | |
Houkago in Beppin Jogakuin | unknown | Imagineering |
Hounded | Misc | International Software |
Hounds of Hell | unknown | |
House | unknown | |
House | Adventure | Mobiground |
House Jack Built, The | unknown | Thor Computer Software |
House Jack Built, The | unknown | Thor Computer Software |
House of Cards | Strategy | |
House of Hell | RPG | Puffin Books |
House of Orion | unknown | Dave Newton |
House of Shadows, The | unknown | Shadow Software |
House of Shadows, The | unknown | Shadow Software |
House of Spiders | unknown | |
House of the Dead | unknown | |
House of the Living Dead, The | unknown | Phipps Associates |
House Of Usher | Action | Kingsoft |
House Of Usher | unknown | Kingsoft |
House of Usher | unknown | Kingsoft |
House of Usher | unknown | Kingsoft |
House of Usher | unknown | |
House on Damned Hill, The | unknown | Century City Software |
House on Damned Hill, The | unknown | Century City Software |
House on the Tor, The | unknown | Zenobi Software |
House Party AVT Meeting Demo & Note from RRR | unknown | |
House, The | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Hover | Simulation | |
Hover Bovver | Action | Llamasoft |
Hover Bovver | unknown | Llamasoft |
Hover Bovver | unknown | Llamasoft |
Hover Droid | unknown | Stew Fordyce |
Hoverforce | unknown | |
Hoverkraft | unknown | Andreas Zallmann Software |
Hovertank | Action | id Software |
How About a Nice Game of Chess | unknown | |
How Cool Can We Be | unknown | |
How Things Work in Busytown | unknown | Richard Scarry |
How to be a Complete Bastard | unknown | Virgin Games |
How to be a Complete Bastard | unknown | |
How to be a Complete Bastard | unknown | Virgin Games |
How to be a Complete Bastard | unknown | Virgin Games |
How to be a Complete Bastard | unknown | Virgin Games |
How to be a Complete Bastard | unknown | Virgin Games |
How to be a Complete Bastard | unknown | Virgin Games |
How to be a Hero | unknown | Mastertronic Added Dimension |
How to be a Hero | unknown | Mastertronic Added Dimension |
How to be a Hero | unknown | |
How Would You Survive? | Educational | Grolier |
Howard the Duck | unknown | Activision |
Howard the Duck | unknown | |
Howard the Duck | unknown | Activision |
Howling | unknown | |
Howzat | unknown | Wyvern Software |
Howzat | unknown | Wyvern Software |
Hoyle Official Book of Games | Strategy | Sierra On-Line |
Hoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 1 | Misc | Sierra On-Line Inc. |
Hoyle Solitaire | unknown | Sierra On-Line |
Hoyle's Book of Games 2 - Solitaire | unknown | Sierra |
Hoyle's Book of Games 3 - Great Board Games | unknown | Sierra |
HRH - Her Royal Highness | unknown | 8th Day Software |
HRH - Her Royal Highness | unknown | 8th Day Software |
HRH - Her Royal Highness v2 | unknown | 8th Day Software |
htl | unknown | Matteo Trevisan |
htlflash2 | unknown | Matteo Trevisan |
htlP1 | unknown | Matteo Trevisan |
htlp1s2 | unknown | Matteo Trevisan |
htlst | unknown | Matteo Trevisan |
HTLV 3 Fuck | unknown | |
HTMAASWHHDAT | unknown | |
HTRATFQALWA | unknown | |
Hubbard Track 2 | unknown | |
Hubbard Track 3 | unknown | |
Hubbard's Best | unknown | |
Hubert | unknown | Blaby Computer Games |
Hudson Hawk | unknown | Sony (CSG) Imagesoft |
Hudson Hawk | Action | Ocean Software |
Hudson Hawk | unknown | Ocean |
Hudson Hawk | unknown | Ocean |
Hudson Hawk | unknown | |
Hudson’s Adventure Island | Action | Hudson Soft |
Hudson’s Adventure Island II | Action | Hudson Soft |
Hudson’s Adventure Island III | Action | Hudson Soft |
Hudson’s Adventure Island III | Action | Hudson Soft |
Hudson’s Adventure Island IV | Action | Hudson Soft |
Hugaligen | unknown | |
Hugaligen 2 | unknown | |
Hugo 2 - Whodunit? | Adventure | Gray Design Associates |
Hugo 2 1/2 | Action | Infogrames |
Hugo 2: Whodunit? | Adventure | Gray Design Associates |
Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom | Adventure | Gray Design Associates |
Hugo på Nye Eventyr | Action | Interactive Television Entertainment |
Hugo’s House of Horrors | Adventure | Gray Design Associates |
Hugo's House of Horrors | Adventure | Gray Design Associates |
Hugo's House of Horror | Adventure | Gray Design Ass. |
Hugo's House of Horrors | Adventure | |
Huh | unknown | |
Huida de Ciro, La | unknown | EP Software |
hulk1 | unknown | |
hulk2 | unknown | |
Hulkmania | unknown | |
Hullubulu | unknown | |
Human Baseball | unknown | Human Entertainment |
Human Cannonball | Strategy | Atari, Inc. |
Human Fly | unknown | C.P.U. |
Human Grand Prix III: F1 Triple Battle | unknown | Human Entertainment |
Human Grand Prix IV: F1 Dream Battle | unknown | Human Entertainment |
Human Killing Machine | Sport | U.S. Gold |
Human Killing Machine | unknown | |
Human Killing Machine | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Human Killing Machine | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Human Picture Show 2 | unknown | |
Human Picture Show 3 | unknown | |
Human Picture Show 4 | unknown | |
Humanity | unknown | |
Humanoid | unknown | Sonix |
Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time | Puzzle | |
Humans, The | Puzzle | Imagitec Design Inc. |
Humans, The | Action | Imagitec, GameTek |
Humans, The | Action | Imagitec, GameTek |
Humans, The | Action | Imagitec, GameTek |
Humans, The | Action | Imagitec, GameTek |
Hummer House of Horror | unknown | Lasersound |
Humphrey | unknown | Zigurat Software |
Humphrey | unknown | |
Humphrey | unknown | Zigurat Software |
Humphrey | Action | Zigurat |
Humphrey | Action | Zigurat |
Humphrey | Action | Zigurat |
Humphrey Remake | Action | Retrospec |
Humphrey Remake | Action | Retrospec |
Humphrey Remake | Action | Retrospec |
Humpty Dumpty | unknown | Firefly Software |
Humpty Dumpty in the Garden | unknown | Artic Computing |
Humpty Dumpty in the Garden | unknown | Artic Computing |
Humpty Dumpty Meets the Fuzzie Wuzzies | unknown | Artic Computing |
Humpty Dumpty Mystery, The | unknown | Widgit Software |
Hunch Back | unknown | Ocean |
Hunchback | Action | Ocean |
Hunchback | unknown | Ocean |
Hunchback | unknown | Ocean |
Hunchback | unknown | |
Hunchback | unknown | Ocean |
Hunchback The Adventure | unknown | |
Hunchback 84 | unknown | Andrew Owen |
Hunchback At The Olympics | Sport | Software Projects Ltd |
Hunchback II Quasimodo's Revenge | unknown | |
Hunchback II - Quasimodo's Revenge | unknown | Ocean |
Hunchback Ii - Quasimodo'S Revenge | Action | Ocean |
Hunchy | unknown | Mr. Micro |
Hundir la Flota | Misc | M.A. Soft |
Hundir la Flota | Misc | M.A. Soft |
Hundir la Flota | Misc | M.A. Soft |
Hundir la Flota | Misc | M.A. Soft |
Hundra | unknown | Mastertronic |
Hundra | unknown | Mastertronic |
Hundra | unknown | Dinamic Software |
Hundra | unknown | |
Hundra | unknown | |
Hunger Daemon | Adventure | Sean M. Shore |
Hungry Dinosaurs | unknown | Sunsoft |
Hungry Horace | Action | Melbourne House |
Hungry Horace | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Hungry Horace | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Hungry Horace | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Hungry Horace | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Hungry Horace | unknown | Sinclair Research |
hungryboy 10k file DOS | unknown | |
hungryboy 10k file PRODOS | unknown | |
Hunt For Red October | unknown | |
Hunt For Red October | unknown | |
Hunt for Red October Back | unknown | |
Hunt for Red October Front | unknown | |
Hunt for Red October, The Based on the Book | unknown | |
Hunt for Red October, The Based on the Movie | unknown | |
Hunt for Red October, The - Based on the Book | unknown | Grandslam Entertainments |
hunt for red october1 | unknown | |
hunt for red october2 | unknown | |
Hunted | unknown | Niklas Hemsida |
Hunter | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Hunter | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Hunter | unknown | David Rushall |
Hunter | Action | Activision |
Hunter Hunted | unknown | Dynamix |
Hunter II - Olympus-Mons | unknown | David Rushall |
Hunter III - The Final Straw | unknown | David Rushall |
Hunter Killer | unknown | |
Hunter-Killer | unknown | Protek Computing |
Hunter-Killer | unknown | Protek Computing |
Hunter'S Moon | Action | Thalamus |
Hurlements | RPG | Arnaud |
Hurra Deutschland | Strategy | Softgold |
Hurricanes | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Husita | Strategy | Phoenix Arts |
Hustle Chumy | Action | Compile |
Hustler | unknown | |
Hustler | unknown | Bubblebus Software |
Hustler Plays Pool, The | unknown | Omega Software |
Hustler Plays Pool, The | unknown | Omega Software |
Huxley Pig | unknown | |
Huxley Pig | unknown | Alternative Software |
Huxley Pig | unknown | Alternative Software |
Huxley Pig | unknown | Alternative Software |
Huxley Pig | unknown | Alternative Software |
Huxley Pig | unknown | Alternative Software |
Hyakki Yagyou | unknown | Opera House |
Hybrid | unknown | |
Hybrid Heaven | RPG | |
Hydlide | RPG | FCI |
Hydlide 3: Yami Kara no Houmonsha | unknown | Namco Ltd |
Hydlide Special | unknown | Toemiland |
Hydorah | Action | Locomalito |
Hydra | Action | Domark |
Hydra | unknown | |
Hydrargyrum | unknown | |
Hydraulik | unknown | ASF |
Hydraulik | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Hydraulik | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Hydraulik | unknown | ASF |
Hydraulik | unknown | ASF |
Hydrofool | unknown | Faster Than Light |
Hydrofool | unknown | |
Hydrofool | unknown | Faster Than Light |
Hydrofool | unknown | Faster Than Light |
Hydrofool | unknown | Faster Than Light |
Hydrofool | unknown | Faster Than Light |
Hydrophenic | unknown | |
Hypa Raid | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Hypa Raid | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Hypaball | unknown | Odin Computer Graphics |
Hyper Dungeon | RPG | Sean Furey |
Hyper Iria | Action | Banpresto |
Hyper Lode Runner | Action | Bandai |
Hyper Olympic | unknown | Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc. |
Hyper Olympic | unknown | |
Hyper Princess Pitch | Action | Remar Games |
Hyper Sports | Sport | Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc. |
Hyper Sports | Sport | Konami |
Hyper Sports | Sport | Imagine |
Hyper Sports | unknown | |
Hyper Sports | Sport | Konami |
Hyper Sports 2 | Sport | Konami |
Hyper V-Ball | unknown | Video System |
hyper-girl | Action | Ultra/United |
Hyperaction | unknown | Silversoft |
Hyperaction | unknown | Silversoft |
Hyperaction | unknown | Silversoft |
Hyperball | Action | Mind Games |
Hyperblast! | unknown | English Software |
Hyperblast! | unknown | English Software |
Hyperblaster | unknown | MC Lothlorien |
Hyperborea | unknown | 776 |
Hyperborea | unknown | 776 |
Hyperborea | unknown | 776 |
Hyperbowl | unknown | Mastertronic |
Hyperbowl | unknown | Mastertronic |
Hyperbowl | unknown | |
Hyperoid | Action | Free Software Foundation |
Hyperoid | unknown | Hutchins Software |
Hyperspace | unknown | |
HYPERTREK | unknown | |
Hypertron | unknown | Scorpio Gamesworld |
Hypertronic | unknown | |
HyperZone | unknown | HAL Laboratory / Ape, Inc. |
Hypnosis #1 | unknown | |
Hypodermic | unknown | |
Hypsys | Action | Dro Soft |
Hypsys | unknown | Techno Arts |
Hypsys | unknown | |
Hypsys | unknown | Techno Arts |
Hypsys | unknown | Techno Arts |
Hypsys | unknown | Techno Arts |
Hypsys | Action | Dro Soft |
Hypsys | Action | Dro Soft |
Hypsys | Action | Dro Soft |
Hysteria | unknown | Ivan Straka |
Hysteria | unknown | |
Hysteria | unknown | Software Projects |
Hysteria - Thalbert Dock Mix | unknown | Software Projects |