Magic Candle, The download

DJ OldGames

 Magic Candle, The

release year
genre / theme
 fantasy, turn-based, top-down view
 Apple II, Commodore 64, PC DOS (1989), NES, PC-98 (1991)
The Magic Candle is a top-down party-based RPG with turn-based battles, designed by Ali Atabek and published by Mindcraft, should be described as Ultima clone. Players begin with one adventurer, a human hero called Lukas. Additional adventurers can be found in the game's two castles. Players must assemble a group of six adventurers and journey across the kingdom of Deruvia to keep the demon Dreax imprisoned in the eponymous magic candle, which has begun to melt. The game's world includes several towns and cities, two castles, and several dungeons and towers...
rating (OldGames): 75%
rating (Users):
game added: 11.09.2012, 12:30 (dj)
last update: 12.09.2012, 09:09 (dj)
visits: 13249x
Magic Candle, The - PC DOS, Title
PC DOS, Title
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