Alien Odyssey download

DJ OldGames

 Alien Odyssey

release year
 Argonaut Software Ltd.
 Philips Interactive Media, Inc.
genre / theme
 sci-fi, adventure, FMV
Alien Odyssey is a fun but little-known multi-type action game by Argonaut Software that is similar to Cyberia in concept: it's got action, flight sim, adventure, and Full Motion Video (FMV) sequences all rolled into one entertaining CD. The game casts you as Psaph Abal, a member of a future race whose craft is stranded upon a distant planet. As you emerge from the wreck, you encounter a strange alien being chased by some evil-looking robots. Sensing that the robots are the bad guys, you hop on a speed bike and begin blasting the robots with your laser pistol, while chasing the alien to rescue him...
rating (OldGames): 63%
rating (Users):
game added: 15.07.2009, 09:57 (dj)
last update: 04.12.2019, 14:37 (dj)
visits: 16729x
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