Shadow Sorcerer download

DJ OldGames

 Shadow Sorcerer

release year
 U.S. Gold Ltd.
 Strategic Simulations, Inc.
genre / theme
 AD&D, Dragonlance, isometric, top-down
 Amiga, Atari ST, PC DOS
Shadow Sorcerer is an isometric cRPG, sequel to Heroes of the Lance and Dragons of Flame. It is based on the third and fourth Dragonlance campaign modules, Dragons of Hope and Dragons of Desolation. The style of the game is very different from its predecessors in style of gameplay. The plot is a faithful representation of the books it is based on. The player controls a party of four adventurers that have just rescued 800 slaves and must shepherd them through the wilderness before the evil Dragon army catches up with them...
rating (OldGames): 67%
rating (Users):
game added: 21.10.2010, 15:31 (dj)
last update: 09.01.2021, 23:15 (dj)
visits: 18088x
Shadow Sorcerer - PC DOS, Gameplay
PC DOS, Gameplay
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